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Quiet around here!!!


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Things been a little quiet around here so thought I'd post today's run up the Mississippi to St. Croix.

Launched from Prarie Island nuke plant. 


Edited by X2700
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I lost access to a heated shop, but did manage to put a new clutch on the Cat last weekend and a new chaincase seal on the Polaris, when the temp was in single digits.  What are the betting odds that any trails in the state will be open on Dec. 1?  We've got enough snow to put around the yard and the nearest lake is white all the way across.  All it would take (for me) is a good 6-8 inch storm.

Edited by p51mstg
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There may be snow on the north shore yet, they have quite a bit - but in talking with some of the bar owners last weekend, they aren't moving real fast on getting things cleaned up for 12/1.  I would suspect it will be a few more weeks until things are really opened up...

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We're heading out on Saturday to finish up signing the sections of trail that we couldn't touch due to crops and/or hunting season.  Once that's done, I'm hoping the switch is flipped and we get into a pattern of cooler temps and SNOW.

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Our swamps are as dry as ever south of the metro.  Super easy mowing and signing this year.  Finished my signs yesterday, others are working through today, and a few others are going to go signing on sleds after the snow tonight/tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Down this way where @X2700 and I live, we basically lost all our snow yesterday with all the rain & warmer temps (there wasn't a lot to begin with).  Overnight, we picked up a few inches to at least turn everything white again.  Heavy/wet snow and if we get this cold snap that's forecasted, it could be a very good start if we continue to get some more snow in the coming weeks.

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Just now, Bontz said:

Down this way where @X2700 and I live, we basically lost all our snow yesterday with all the rain & warmer temps (there wasn't a lot to begin with).  Overnight, we picked up a few inches to at least turn everything white again.  Heavy/wet snow and if we get this cold snap that's forecasted, it could be a very good start if we continue to get some more snow in the coming weeks.

Next Wednesday’s forecast would set us up nicely!!

Heck if we wouldn’t of had these meltdowns we’d be riding now!!

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Shore is good, just need time to freeze up and for the clubs to clear the trees and get things groomed.  Riding before Christmas always seems sketchy but if you got an itch to scratch....

Way more snow this year to start than last year.  Highs in single digits or low teens for the next week will help.


Compared to last year.  By the beginning of April, the snow at the side of the road was taller than my truck.


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Sound's like some nasty weather coming in.  What a start to this winter.  Man I'm feeling bad for some of the clubs around the farm, it will probably be a month before the trails are really ready between the trees and swamps and more snow coming.  I'm going up new years weekend and will probably help out after doing my own work around the property and setting some traps.  Never enough time in the days 

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41 minutes ago, mnstang said:

Sound's like some nasty weather coming in.  What a start to this winter.  Man I'm feeling bad for some of the clubs around the farm, it will probably be a month before the trails are really ready between the trees and swamps and more snow coming.  I'm going up new years weekend and will probably help out after doing my own work around the property and setting some traps.  Never enough time in the days 

Yeah, if I wasn't down with the crud I would have helped out somewhere this past weekend. It's definitely going to be a long road, especially if the wind the next few days is as bad as they say.

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2 hours ago, X2700 said:

How’s frontenac area bontz?

maybe head that way Monday?

Should be good ... although I'm not sure how soon the groomer will go back out (hoping Monday?).  I know we have everything groomed and cleaned up - or at least it was as of Wednesday.  Not sure if this wind today will help or hurt things, but I'm hoping everything will be awesome once the drifting is knocked down.

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