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getting the itch to burn an american flag.

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4 minutes ago, Sleepr2 said:

Even though your hero Hillery is for you going to jail for t?

An authoritarian control freak like you would fit right in.

Lol, she is calling him despicable... that gotta hurt. 


Edited by Cold War
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5 minutes ago, motonoggin said:


Challenge accepted.


LOL! Nuthin as expected. 

3 minutes ago, f7ben said:

You cant burn a flag!!!!!! It stands for Freedom and all our rights and shit ......people need to go to jail and have their citizenship removed if they wanna burn flags11!!

Go ahead and burn it , just stop asking for more taxpayer hand outs.

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Look how cool I am!  Look at me burning the flag!  I am practicing my "freedom of speech" by insulting as many people as I can! Anarchy rules!  I'm surrounded by my idiot friends!  I'm tough!


How stupid.  What a bunch of pussies.  


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6 minutes ago, f7ben said:

You cant burn a flag!!!!!! It stands for Freedom and all our rights and shit ......people need to go to jail and have their citizenship removed if they wanna burn flags11!!

you're collecting a few "likes". :lol:

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1 minute ago, Zambroski said:

Look how cool I am!  Look at me burning the flag!  I am practicing my "freedom of speech" by insulting as many people as I can! Anarchy rules!  I'm surrounded by my idiot friends!  I'm tough!


How stupid.  What a bunch of pussies.  


The minute you tell me it's illegal to say something that does no violence to anyone is the same minute I'm going to do that very fucking thing 

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20 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

Look how cool I am!  Look at me burning the flag!  I am practicing my "freedom of speech" by insulting as many people as I can! Anarchy rules!  I'm surrounded by my idiot friends!  I'm tough!


How stupid.  What a bunch of pussies.  


Perfect description of spinfag. He also likes to go to family reunions and rebuke them as well. He's real popular. :lol:

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8 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

No, that's what free people do when a pole quilt become more important than human rights.

That's what impotent people do.  Sorry.  Protestors are weak.  Wanna impress me?  Start a battle with your target enemy.  Or, light the flag on fire in any trailside bar as you wait for your burger and fries.  Bring friends and please, pay in advance.




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2 minutes ago, motonoggin said:

Honestly I've felt like burning a flag ever since they let 9/11 happen.


I hardly wrap myself in it before bedddy bye.  I've seen what we do and I'm disgusted by it.  But, I hold on to hope as shredded and tiny as it seems sometimes.  Hillary (and this rotten two party system) getting trounced was a good start.

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