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*** OFFICIAL Doug Ford thread ***


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Increased violence in Toronto and other major cities and the Ford government has a plan listed below..























































It's Trudeau's fault 

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Remember when we hated Wynne for arraging the big duck


liberal garbage

more hate

but now nothing is said and Dougie is great spends more than any Premier in history will go down as greatest ever balanced 12 of 8 budgets 




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Remember when Ford said if we just Test the Teachers our math marks would go up...

well that didn't work Teachers 100% on test - math mark on down swing

brings back memories or Mike Harris 1997 when he took control of the education system which has lead us to today



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Chris Bittle 





such a beating 😂😂😂👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Lots of Cheers for Doug Ford on this battery plant that Trudeau arranged, how come FORD isn't taking misinformation and hate like Trudeau is :dunno: 


another awesome FACT only the Liberals are bringing business into Ontario this include GM returning as DOUG FORD stated " they are gone and never coming back there is nothing we can do"  

Cheers for Doug again on this

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