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3 hours ago, Angry ginger said:

   land mass means fuck all,  many of those red counties have next to no one in them.  Look at NY,  looking at the map one could say it;s a red state er all the people live int he little blue right corner.  

think local/state elections.

the dems are in trouble...that's a lot of red.

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15 minutes ago, oleroule said:

think local/state elections.

the dems are in trouble...that's a lot of red.

the blue collar Midwest flows back and forth so the solid pub support is generally poor southern and westerners who care more about guns and god than the fucking they get at the hands of the party.  Funny when you consider they take us much government welfare as the inner city blacks they are all bitching about.  

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16 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

Trump should pretty much have sold off all of our assets and bankrupted the country by then.....unless he goes down soon.

Why?  Is he Hiring Hilary as SOS?  That's weird.

You're so fucking idiotic.  :lmao:


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1 hour ago, f7ben said:

Trump was the second most detestable candidate in History.......Bernie would have absolutely destroyed him. There is no way Trump takes any midwest states over Bernie

They both ran on the same platform for fucks sakes. Trade and putting the US first

Even older dems didn't like Bernie. They had been sold the unicorns and rainbows bullshit for so long they no longer believe it.

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