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Everything posted by Rw06GT

  1. A Democrat that doesn't understand and over steps his constitutional authority. Color me shocked. :Rolleyes:
  2. You pretty much came off sounding like slowrider so I wouldn't gloat if I were you.
  3. Poor led around by the nose libtards. They don't even see what's coming in November.
  4. Couple pieces of last year's cow left so I have a smallish brisket(flat) on the smoker for today. I let my son choose and make the rub(first time) with zero input from me. Should be interesting, I think he went for mostly heat very little sweet. Doing some kielbasa on the grill later, caramelized with a good amount of Peter Luger's steak sauce(yummy). Oh and some fresh Jersey sweet corn with compound butter and a tomato salad. Skipping lunch today for sure.
  5. Says the stupidest fuck on the internet. Stay in your hole for good this time. Hack.
  6. Yet another win for soon to be President Trump. Poor Hillary voters.
  7. Ahh, the moron has spoken. Your hole is calling fuckstick, go back in it.
  8. Good. Go back in your fucking hole. Your time away has made you no more interesting and your thread titles and responses are childlike. Trump will be the next president and there's nothing you foolish left leaners can do about it other than clutter this site with your imbecilic threads.
  9. Congrats on trying to pass MC as the dementia addled fool everyone laughs at. You are #winning My guess is Vince is scared that the inevitable Trump presidency will see a good amount of the wasteful $$ that shitcago and by extension the grubby little electrician gets, will disappear.
  10. It's because he's going to be the next president and we get to look forward to 4-8 years of epic leftard butthurt. Going to be funny as hell to see them loose their shit. <-- they've already gone full retard as evidenced by slinger's reappearance.
  11. Go back in whatever hole you've been in for the last couple months. You're to stupid for the internet.
  12. Oh man I've missed your utter stupidity. What a moron. Trump is going to win with ease.
  13. Why does poor old MC always sound like he just woke up from a month long nap? Cut the poor feller some slack for cryin out loud.
  14. It's going to be fun watching Trump hammer the Dems on the economy. They literally have no leg to stand on after the negro's lackluster performance.
  15. Too bad Newf isn't here to set you guys straight!
  16. 58% -- also said the issue would not affect their vote in the 2016 presidential election. ^^^ That's because they have already decided to vote for Trump. The next president no matter how hard the left stomps their feet and jumps up and down loudly saying otherwise. <-- as sad as that may be.
  17. Bradley smokers six rack digital. Set and forget once your comfortable with it. Works awesome. 430$ on Amazon now. Can cold (ambient or slightly below with ice wrap) smoke with it as well. My old offset smoker almost never gets used. Have fun with it Abe Here's a double smoked ham done last year.
  18. That's the biggest problem with the Ford. I watched some of the race and it is the worst sounding car on the track. Almost as bad as a cat turbo. We'll see if they hold together for the full 24.
  19. What-chu-talkin-bout-willis? These threads always go the same way - sideways. I'll steer clear of most... Who's Ricky Schroeder?
  20. They don't call you shortshitforbrains for nothing. Guys got the morons in this asylum pegged.
  21. I routinely run my well for 12-18 hours. If it's real dry that could be 3-4 days a week. Watering around 3 acres of grass. Pump is original 30 years old. My answer is just run the fuckin thing.
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