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Everything posted by favoritos

  1. We had a fellow that helped on the farm. He somehow made it through the Bataan march. That guy refused to even touch any of the 4 wheelers etc with a Ja origin. He would walk by them and curse. He rarely talked about that time in the war. I knew him for quite a few years before I even knew that he was a march survivor. I have to admit I did see him differently after I did know. I can't even express how much appreciation I have for someone that did that much sacrifice and lived. His stories when he did talk were brutal beyond imagination.
  2. Thank god my wife never fell into that ideology. She says they are impractical and annoying to wear. It was one thing we easily agreed upon. 😏
  3. I drive in Germany fairly often. There is a misconception about how fast you can drive for the most part. There are very few areas with wide open running for legal EU drivers. (The laws are tough to enforce with some foreign drivers, and some of those drivers really haul the mail). There are different levels of license skills. The bahn drivers are tested and approved for that level. Passing on the right is a big no no. Thank God. You can not imagine how much easier it makes driving. Did I mention easy? It is a lot easier to drive over there. The roads are consistently marked, exits, upcoming construction, lane shifts, etc. The passing deal does make it so easy. I don't understand why we have such a tough time with that concept. It is pretty simple. Stay right until you reach a slower vehicle. Then you pass. On the left. It is the KISS principle and it works. BTW, when you do drive in areas that have open driving, it is impressive. No matter how fast you are moving, someone will still fly by. Watch your mirrors. You learn to pass safely by watching for potential high speed vehicles coming before even moving over to pass. It is a blast to drive on the road with people that know how to drive. They also do an excellent job of managing traffic. They use an excellent system for slowing down traffic for upcoming hazards like accidents and construction zones. Those boards over the highway manage the lane speeds individually while they also click off the user taxes. 😙 Upcoming hazards and exits are marked off progressively as you get closer, so there are no surprises. A funny note to the signs. They also have a sense of humor. The construction zones are marked with various versions of smiley/frowning faces based upon your progress through the zone.
  4. Opiates are getting harder to obtain. Media hasn't caught on to how much the rules have changed. Typical. Crack and meth are almost perfect drugs for dealers. They are easy to transport and the profits are getting huge again. Also harder to detect especially compared to mj. Nice thing about selling those is the rapid addiction rate. It only takes one time to be part of the club. We almost kicked meth to the curb with the difficulty obtaining pseudoephedrine, etc. Unfortunately, the drug money peeps realized all the moola they could make fast and easy. They created a whole new manufacturing and distribution with even better product. Crack and meth don't get the fancy media coverage like opiates. Again, typical. I think they are worse for average society. Too easy and cheap. But, they don't take out celebrities. They just take out the working class Joe. Same group of people that are not likely to get real treatment for long term recovery.
  5. They are being over prescribed. We want to be pain free and we want it fast. Drugs fit the bill. How often do they ask you about your level of pain whenever you see the doc? They even have a special process to ask children.
  6. That pharmacy was shut down in 2012. Their practice was taking advantage of a changing monitoring system at the time. The number of drugs allowed for distribution in any given region are determined by historical data and demographics. They finally got stopped when the new system highlighted their out of whack numbers. The laws in place are constantly evolving to deal with this issue. The DEA used to require individual pharmacies to track "addictive" drug distribution. The process worked fairly well when everyone picked up their prescriptions at the mom and pop pharmacies down the street. Things changed when corporate drug stores opened up all over. Every new store had to establish a new drug history for the area. That essentially meant a free for all on prescriptions until the new history was established. It was too much for the DEA to regulate and monitor. So, they made the distributors responsible for the monitoring of drug distribution based upon the local region. That worked OK until drugs started going through the mail. The process for monitoring regional distribution is flawed. You would be surprised by how few people there are in the DEA working in a region. There is no way for them to "watch" everything. There is a lot of finger pointing going on with this problem. None of that will solve the issue. We like our drugs in this country. We also like our money. There is an insane amount of money in this business.
  7. Title seems a bit ironic coming from a country that has built the largest wall in the world. Maybe this guy knows something no one else has learned.
  8. So the wifey has some tools that she brought across the pond. Her father wanted her to have good stuff of her own. She has a set of Witte Triax 1000v screwdrivers that are impressive. It is almost embarrassing. I have always tried to have decent tools and those were hard to beat. Also have a set of pipe wrenches I inherited from her father. Schneider Klein is the name. They are amazing. I have never seen them over here. Closest I could find. https://www.kctoolco.com/knipex-83-30-020-21-3-pipe-wrench-s-type/ They do grip well. Although, it would be tough to add leverage with a long pipe thrown onto the handle. 😉
  9. They are OK. Not high end LEDs. I know LEDs are not supposed to fade. I swear that our lights are getting dimmer. Could be old age. 😙 Have quite a few different LED lights around the place. The light color selection is big. Also opt for the better LED if you are "using" the light. Under cabinet lighting around here doesn't get used as much, so they work for that application. I do prefer better lighting for work areas.
  10. We are apes. Shopping in other parts of the world is a whole different experience with carts. They actually return them to the store.
  11. It is one to buy and two to sell around here for housing. Makes for messy divorces sometimes. One can accumulate the debt. Both are liable.
  12. Looked at short term properties. Money potential is good, especially with the right market. My problem is that all the work happens when I want to play. I'm still too selfish to give up play time.
  13. It is not easy to evict. One of my biggest concerns with renters. It is easy to fix stuff. Getting rid of deadbeats, not so easy.
  14. We have piles of that size moving in our area. They built temporary corner cuts on the rural roads to make the turns. Must have better drivers across the pond.
  15. Trail ride torque and race boost. Lot less warranty issues. It also leaves a lot on the table. Sure makes it fun for anyone that wants to add power without breaking the bank.
  16. Hmm, Wonder why they changed the rules? Doesn't seem too tough with a single approach. But, kids nowadays have a hard time reading a clock. Who knew that would become old fashioned?
  17. Wifi? Run a lot of stuff through wifi at the house. Pretty easy to run phones on that now. Ran hard lines to stationary stuff years ago. That may be helping the wifi speed.
  18. Keep in mind how your printed components will be used. Printing is done in layers. There is a considerable variation in strength. Think of the component like a piece of wood and going with the grain vs. cross grain.
  19. Was the whole plane full of mouth breathers?
  20. Comments on the article look like a sled forum. Take out the truck designations and put in sled models. Tons of brand loyalty and opinions.
  21. It seems hard to believe. The chassis isn't really changed that much for quite some time. Mostly just little tweaks. I guess it shows how much those little changes do matter. Kinda like dialing in your own sled makes a difference.
  22. Road crossings do wear quite a bit with heavy traffic. MN has the ability to complain about the issue and make it illegal to actually use traction products. It says something about our methods. I spend a lot less money in the state after they created that dumb rule in the 90s. I still see keeping the trails as a concern based on past practices. I think there is some legitimacy to the gripe. MI has done some pretty cool stuff with road crossings over the years. They are still trying some new stuff. It makes sense to try looking for solutions instead of banning traction. The concrete inlays are expensive and somewhat difficult to keep seamless with road surfaces. They are durable. Epoxy coatings have done ok and make seamless transitions. The latest thermoplastic method is pretty durable. It is a little more slippery without the aggregate inlay like the epoxy. I really like the latter two methods being used in Michigan. All are better than the outright ban or fees for using traction devices that MN thought was such a good idea.
  23. This stuff is closer than most realize. I decommissioned a facility with 72 EEs. They were mostly replaced by machines. Some new jobs were created. They were all in technical control processes and programming. Ironically, the jobs that remained for the most part were related to dealing with regulatory processes. In some ways the government does create jobs. Some of that paperwork is still on handwritten forms. Seems crazy.
  24. Looked at a nice duplex this week. Pricing was reasonable so I expected multiple offers. Told the realtor that I expected it to go at least 10% over list. There were a lot of buyers looking. It was on the market for two days and received over 25 written offers. No idea what price they accepted yet, but I probably underestimated. The market here is headed for trouble if this keeps going. Talking with realtor that has 12 clients shopping now. Most had jumped for joy when they sold at a good margin. Not too many smiles left after trying to buy back into the market. They are really going to go crazy if the market keeps climbing. Realtor stated that a lot of those clients are living with relatives because they don't want to get locked into a rental lease. There are some real emotional idiots in the market right now. I can't imagine how they think it is possible to take a huge gain and turn it into a discount purchase on the next home.
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