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Everything posted by jammin

  1. Oh that is for sure. I have a couple of "friends" (lol) that are way over the top. Constantly posting videos from websites and sources I've never seen in my 54 years being on Earth. I don't even view them and just shake my head.
  2. Where has that skinny Pencil Neck fucker been?
  3. Yeah I was posting about the same time you were. Quit being so mean.
  4. While that may be true in some cases you have to admit Facebook sure seems to favor the left more than right.
  5. Can you fucking believe that? Every Festival or event from now until September and later is canceled. Don't go to your second home, stay inside, don't gather recommendations but don't mind us bringing in thousands of people from around the country to hold our convention. Sounds fucking legit.
  6. Well played sir, very well played.
  7. M fucking I fucking A Its like sitting at the blackjack table with a 6 and the dealer is showing 20. Pretty bad odds to win.
  8. And some State like mine say if you travel from Southern WI to Northern you should do the same. A lot of pissed off people that live up north after fishing opener last weekend. License plates from Illinois Minnesota Michigan Iowa etc all over the place.
  9. My opinion is not a thing. They've always been that person and will continue to be pandemic or not. Saw a guy on a motorcycle yesterday wearing a mask and thought that was a bit extreme.
  10. Momo........ Just zip it already. Have fun @spin_dry.
  11. Fuck them or any organization that tried to fuck businesses that truly needed the money. I don't give a fuck that they returned it either. Fact is they applied for it and were given it over a business that truly needed it. Fuck the person that approved the Lakers application too.
  12. I usually warm a soft shell with shredded cheese on it and wrap the hard shell. Outstanding.
  13. Sorry to hear. I'm similar to what you outlined your friend was health wise. I was just talking with my wife when my heart attack happened last August. No prior symptoms or conditions and then bam. Holy shit, it was horrible. I waited it out and didn't say anything for a day or 2 and then my wife said you don't look right and are always tired. Took me to the ER and a couple hours later I was out of the operating room and recovering in ICU. 54 years old. Again, sorry for your loss.
  14. Been visible up north for several weeks according to my neighbor. So far, no Roma for him either.
  15. Well then fuck the ginger vote.
  16. Some camp grounds in central / northern WI opened with restrictions yesterday. 1 of the restrictions is they be used by local people and not folks from SE WI. Still saying stay away from cabins until further notice. May 1st PD and other agency's will be enforcing stay at home and handing out 250 / 500$ tickets. I wonder how long it would take to ride my bike 226 miles...
  17. Never voted for a ginger but if you run i'll check the box for ya.
  18. Same but tossing out roughly 30 days from now is more than a stretch imo.
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