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Everything posted by soeaster

  1. Tough to overcome the metro, Duluth, and Rochester. Not enough of us cows and rocks.
  2. I certainly keep getting enough mail from him though, calling Jensen too radical for MN.
  3. His dumbass is responsible for much of the crime here in MN and lack of will DAs and county attorneys to prosecute said crime. Waste of fucking space, but hey, let's blame a retail store for it. Fucktard.
  4. Used to do a lot of radar runs also. My wife still has her 700 class winning trophy on my sled!
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11291995/Woman-23-survived-2016-Brussels-airport-ISIS-bomb-euthanised-Belgium.html
  6. FWIW, I've been shopping Vortex also and these are the best deals I've found so far online. www.eurooptic.com/vortex-rifle-scopes.aspx
  7. Yet they'll still be in office after the new term because of the fucking metro.
  8. And states like this wonder why they have so many wildfires.
  9. Looks like a cool place and beers sound tasty. Food sounds good too! Wish I was closer.
  10. What's your local brewery? I'm a huge fan of barrel aged dark beers, especially stouts and porters. The Vanilla Rye Stout is 13.1%, so it's a sipper!
  11. Central Waters Vanilla Rye Barrel-Aged Stout
  12. I'm so glad they brought dignity and respect back to the office of the presidency!
  13. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was very surreal just watching it unfold on live TV. I slept late that day because I had to go register a truck that I had bought. My wife woke me up and told me that a plan hit WTC. Then, as we watched, the second plane hit. Went to the DMV and everyone was lined up in the hallway watching it on TV, including one of my best friends, a local cop. Drove to work (about 30 mins away) and listened the whole way. Got to work and everyone was glued to the TV. The next several months were the same. We were lucky to get 3-4 customers a day which was unusual at an HD Shop. Still difficult to believe, even after all that's happened. My kids were born (twins) almost a year later. I've always tried to show them what it was like, but they don't understand. They are both going into the fire service.
  14. So I'm one of the "tards" that said it. It's my opinion! Side by side as above, not so much. But it's been awhile since I looked at a Sno Pro!
  15. Basic info is on their website now https://arcticcat.txtsv.com/snow/catalyst?utm_campaign=e262-70736-c1-platform-announcement-email-091022&utm_medium=email&utm_source=aimbase&utm_content=17_explorecatalyst_button&wst_prospect=3EA98C05-311F-469A-B2DC-7A0C247F81DB&wst_wtu=d537aa28-bf74-4e22-95f8-3eeba8cf2b0c
  16. Well, a "9mm will blow the lung right out of the body" so I can't imagine what an AR-15 would do! Maybe we should only have access to AR-10s!
  17. Variable Geometry Turbos do not have waste gates... Used in Duramax since 2004.5 LLY, Cummins, & Powerstroke since mid 2000s.
  18. And college students are still signing up for these "predatory lending practices" as we speak. Why would we want to fix the root problem when we can just put a band aid on it on the back end? Disgusting.
  19. Went to college twice. Took student loans out twice. Paid the first one off in 2010 and the second one off 2 months ago. If student loan forgiveness is such a good thing, why are they still giving huge loans to students while talking about forgiveness? Because they don't want to fix the problem, they just want to pander for votes and get people riled up about how they're victims of the the student loan industry (government).
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