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  • Location
    Flint Michigan


  • Current Sled
    Evinrude Skeeter

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  1. Just finished up the last batch of personal watercraft crankshafts. Got some actual snow today so the phone has started ringing.
  2. dismissed "without prejudice"....somewhat worrisome. But I believe it will totally disappear, which it should.
  3. First snowmobile crankshaft of the 24-25 season. It's a Yamaha, and as such needed very little. Yamaha definitely built the best two-stroke snowmobile crankshafts.
  4. Canadians are badass when they need to be...
  5. Just finished up a Yamaha YZ250F crankshaft rebuild. Wish they were all this easy, but the twins and triples are coming....
  6. What was your rating? I was a BT on a WW2 destroyer in '70-'71. South China sea.
  7. I'm so tired of this feckless governor. Trying to be relative but adding nothing at all.
  8. I would machine the accelerator pump well in the Quadrajet carb body and then use the larger diameter pump cup from a big Rochester 2GC two-barrel , gave much more pump volume, really helped to eliminate the stumble when linking all 4 barrels.
  9. Fun car for sure. Even has the extra pedal.
  10. You may as well stay home- THIS old guy is canceling your vote.
  11. Just finished up a crankshaft rebuild on a John Deere / CCW / Kioritz 340 fanner. The guy might get one vintage ride in this year if we get some snow. Worst year ever for rideable snow in Michigan.
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