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  • Current Sled
    2013 M800 SNO PRO LE / 2001 Mountain Cat 600 Mod

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  1. Bear lake as viewed from Midnight Mountain, ID https://maps.app.goo.gl/sbAnB8bSnmMccuD8A Looking southwest towards Preston, ID
  2. With the single pipe on having the needle on the center clip seemed too rich so if I revert back to that I could drop the needle. Previous owner of the engine had 20 spark plugs in the seat so I'm sure he fouled alot with what it was at.
  3. Wasn't really looking to run pod filters but we'll see how it goes, raised the needles one clip position to start, seems rich so I ordered a set of jets to go from there.
  4. Posted December 20th 2024....
  5. Menan butte Idaho looking north at the St Anthony sand dunes. Looking East at The Teton range. Was up replacing a microwave radio.
  6. The blonde was driving the ford truck, the chevy traverse and the green van were there when I went in.
  7. Came out of Lowe's yesterday, seen a blond bowling ball roll out of the white Ford and waddled inside, 7 open parking spots on the other side but she had to shorten her walking distance.....
  8. Plan is to cap hole (inside) behind the chaincase/ exaust and draw in air from the top of the hood (outside with frogskin or some snowproof prefilter) if the other stock vents get clogged. So in theory it has 3 locations to draw cold air in. Jetting is sure going to be an adventure.
  9. I get what you both mean and thanks for pointing that out, im hoping the 7"x 2.5"ID hose to the stock intake plenum doesn't affect it dramatically for the worse, ill test this setup out and more than likely install an abs box at the carbs. I really don't want to run pods on this sled because its going to be off trail lower speeds in deep snow. So it would be sucking in hot air alot, i could never get just pods to work on my 01 800 for this reason.
  10. Previous owner wasn't lying he really did dump a bottle of oil in the motor to store it so i had to pull it and drain it.
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