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Everything posted by jdsky

  1. Piglosi can rot in hell right along with her band of worthless shit bag political hacks. Put that 5000 page nearly trillion dollar pile of crap in the shitter where it belongs and do what's right for the American people. There is no way that will ever happen as these lifer political scumbag's could really care less but they can get what's really coming to them when they finally cease to rot the earth they stand on.
  2. Those diptshits over at testicalscope sure are a fucked up bunch. They hire a complete douchebag as their chief moderator in charge and then just let him run around and fuck everything up. If this message originated from asshole joe it would be interesting if his superiors somehow found out he has been going rogue and has no concept of how to handle situations that could have easily been long done. Instead his saga continues.
  3. Chinese spreading alternate versions of their bio-weapon here and there. This time you won't hear about any whistle blowers from their lab as they have all been taken care of along with their families. Until China is dealt with there is no chance this shit stops. If their brain dead chinese ass kissing candidate of choice actually makes it into office that's not happening anytime soon.
  4. You're not really a sled head if you don't enjoy the shit slinging that goes along with it. Our group started out as all madcatter's and has evolved over the decades right along with the sport. It would suck if our group consisted of just one brand but it's getting really close with just one holdout. If you really are a sled head you want more choices and not less and it will be good for the sport if Textron infuses more cash into R&D.
  5. Cat is just a brand name as long as Textron owns it. It's Textron that decides where to spend money or not. It's Textron that has been slashing and burning since they bought the place within the race department, with engineers, with dealers, with R&D budgets. Recent product launches like the Alpha or even the Blast don't count because they were in development long before Textron took over. This is why everyone focuses in on Textron. What most are waiting to see is what will they (Textron) will do next with the brand.
  6. VS Joe's vag has got to be on fire still. There has to be someone at VS that is seriously looking into why a guy only on the payroll for 6 months has caused such a shit storm. There goes his 2.5% raise next year.
  7. jdsky

    Go Trump!

    Called it out for the steaming pile of shit it is and there is enough blame to go around on both sides of the political fence for passing it. And to think, all of the bidentard's crowing about their favorite pedophile politician being what this country needs. This is exactly what we will not have as sleepy creepy already gave this giant 5000 page turd his full on absent minded approval. He already placed his X on it from the basement of the president elect. While that nearly trillion dollar tank of sewage is veto proof that does not mean he has to sign it. The only person in DC willing to stand up to political shit birds on either side of the fence.
  8. The gunt cancelled his ride for next year? Convenient.
  9. A 70 or 80% total annual return in 2020 would be nearly impossible to achieve if you actually have a long term strategy in place that employs some hedge against risk.
  10. Free sex change operations, free medical, free college. It's exactly what these dumbocrat voters wanted and will be getting. My guess is those posting in here defending pedo-joe and his band of merry worthless political fucks are the same handful of dipshits posting on every forum that allows political content. Idiot's defending a proven totally inept politicain sitting in his basement with a sign that reads - office of the president elect - a position that does not officially exist in our government. Also assume they love these policies because they don't actually have to pay for any of it and are standing in line with their hands out ready to collect all of their free shit. Nobody paying for this crap would actually defend it day in and day out, unless you really are that fucking stupid.
  11. The market is doing exactly what it normally does on good news - sell. Smart money is going to be profit taking on these highs and buying on the next dip. This market is going to be a roller coaster for some time to come. Out of control debt and spending, unlimited money printing policy. At some point the coke runs out and someone has to clean up after the party. Going to be the average joe getting soaked yet again in the end.
  12. Guess he wasn't happy with the leaked Cat info in here. It's as good as any found on the net so far.
  13. Has bydumb weighed in on this subject yet? You know, from his "office of the president elect?" The office where he speaks from and his non-voters that voted for him hang on his every word because they know he has so few words left?
  14. Glad you agree and useless is far better than a senile lifer politician that has done zip for his country for nearly half a century.
  15. I completely disagree with what she said here and I quote, “The American people aren’t fools." Absolutely false. There were millions of fools that actually cast a vote for one of the most useless, worthless politicians in American history. Not only fools but COMPLETE AND TOTAL FUCKING FOOLS.
  16. A bad idea if that is how it had to be priced to make a profit. It's had to compete against lower priced options in used or brand new for the same price but with more features and something a young trail rider can actually grow into. Could be wrong though and maybe cat sold tens of thousands of them already.
  17. I could almost agree with you except the dems still have control of the house regardless of the seats lost and it is not likely at all the house flips back in 2022. Today's reality is not the same as it waseven five years ago let alone ten. If you don't think the media is fully on board and backing the democratic socialist parties agenda you must be blind to all of the headlines over the last four years and just how hard they worked to get dopey joe and hand job harris elected. It's rationalization's like these making a feeble attempt to convince themselves and other's that "everything is all good" and all we did was vote against trump rather then coming to grips with the reality that they actually cast a vote for the worst presidential ticket in the history of the country. Backasswards logic at best.
  18. I have a different take. The media has no reason to change course. As long as biden is still breathing there will be no critical news published whatsoever. Once the puppet masters determine joe's time is up they will either have him declared incompetent or simply say he tripped over his dog and died of unknown complications. They know his base of 80M supporters either won't give two shits or will be happy he's gone because all they wanted was trump out of office anyway. The lifer, half wit, political shit bird that is biden will never make it to 2022. The dem's will never lose control of the house because once harris is installed as president the angry horde of dem voters will come out in force yet again to insure their free ride's are fully achieved. Reparations for all descendants of slaves, free college for minorities, low income families and illegals right along with free healthcare. Wide open borders for anyone that wants to step on in and partake of all the free shit being handed out. Zero possibility the economy can handle all of this so the promise of taxing the wealthy in an attempt to pay for it all is out the window and harris is the perfect donkey for the puppet masters to provide an excuse for yet again, taxing the middle class to pay for all of this free shit. Deceased joe's green new deal gets a quick makeover and put on full radical blast. Again, middle class pays for this with $4 a gallon gas and a return to early phase out of all gas burning engines. And yes, the press will be far too busy printing how successful and amazing all of these changes are for Americans. Anyone that thinks the main stream media is suddenly going to become critical of the socialist puppet masters in charge are more than a bit delusional.
  19. Personal attacks still going on over there? Thought there was only like 2 active members left.
  20. How is it that Cat has not had their snowmageddon yet?
  21. Complete waste of time and taxpayer dollars. They will just be pardoned anyway.
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