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Everything posted by Crowder

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFUrfY0JQ-s/?igshid=15pukj491c2ue
  2. I’ve made it. Came across that a few months back and had to try it.👍
  3. Hilarious that the extreme left like to pull out the rare stories of some loser “whitey” pulling some crap insinuating that it’s the majority while ignoring the majority of losers acting like loose zoo animals. I suppose I’d try the same argument when I realized that all this shit is only hurting them at this point. Personally I’ve never seen so many of my moderate Democrat friends pissed off at the far left cheerleading cops getting shot in the head. The left is digging their own grave.
  4. And you wear clothes and buy products manufactured in China. I suppose you are then responsible for supporting Child slave labor.
  5. Yes it’s up. Pussifucation of America and living in the fake world of social media does that too some.
  6. Blah blah blah. I know LOTS of people still in the military and don’t know even one that will consider voting for Biden. Polls. Just like Hillary was the sure winner.
  7. Pretty good video on Covid for those that don’t comprehend numbers very well. https://youtu.be/fsVhY6QAzrU
  8. Some chick in my neck of the woods got two ballots in the mail. One with her current name and another with her former last name. Highly doubt if she mailed both in that it would be caught. 🤷‍♂️
  9. I’m still waiting for the I lied or I was wrong reply. 🙄
  10. Can’t wait fir the debates!
  11. Southern Maine is pretty much Massachusetts.
  12. Many don’t want to hear that part of common sense. 😂 No excuses for cops either but why not avoid the situation from the start. It’s amazing how many fucking stupid people are out there. The defund movement, protests and cries of racism just because a black is involved is only going to create more problems. The scumbags with the equivalent IQ of the looters, will just use it to thumb their noses and taunt law enforcement with the mentality of you can’t touch me. I dare you to shoot me. Pathetic
  13. Wasn’t Hillary one of the many Dems having a conniption about the initial international travel restrictions implemented to try and contain the virus? Hypocrisy at its finest. She’s a loser in more ways than one.
  14. Been in those rooms many times. Welcome to 1978. Does the trick for cheap $. Good location.
  15. Looks like the inside of the Bingham motor inn.
  16. I’d track down old Sox and Martin drag cars. If that failed, build a replica
  17. No United did not announce a 45% lay-off. They announced some fear mongering up to a certain amount but it will be much less when furloughs actually are announced in Oct. I think Boeing is a good buy at the moment but it will take some time to reap the reward.
  18. Good article and very true. It only takes common sense to get it and most with half a brain knew this was the case already. The politics of the study points out exactly what’s wrong with the liberal politics in this country.
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