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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. I’m in with this also. I always wonder how we’ll all feel when we get there. I bet different for sure. I don’t plan to find out. I’m plannin’ on being famous!!!!! Infamous?
  2. Ok. All good. LeBron: calls trump a “bum”. Trump calls LeBron “dumb”. It’s a tit for tat and the left is losing their fucking minds over it. Astonishing petty bullshit from what is clearly now, and has been, a disgusting group of bratty little children content to drive shitty little kindergarten attacks. 3rd law of Newton’s law. It’s what’s for dinner again!!!!
  3. A great thing. And our current administration will hopefully ensure a quick passage through regulatory requirements. The pen really is mightier than the sword....in these cases.
  4. Oh, he just “disagreed”. Got it. CNN. Smh.
  5. Just let him be. His “ass” is now his upper back legs connected to the base of his skull after his ill-conceived battles this week. I don’t understand it.
  6. No shit. Brainless fucking squids sitting as close as they can to their favorite little shitty media source to get the latest hero and matching bullshit talking point. Calling people names....heroic! Getting called them back. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! Jdhdusksjrvruaosohrbddjisbsudhrjdidhrhsubdsjidhhduxusjeidhdiehdudu!!!!!!!!!!! We sooo need a good dust up. I stole that shit from Benny. Cracks me the fuck up!!!!
  7. I see it. I don’t care. If you want to be a repugnant disrespectful big mouth. You should get the same back from the equal. Sorry if that makes you feel sad inside. No I’m not.
  8. “wimper weasel” Courtesy of Steve from Amhurst.
  9. LeBron was your hero before he called Trump a “bum” eh? Yep. Fucking hypocritical liar.
  10. Your idiotic and petty side made LeBron a “hero” when he called Potus a name. LeBron and the left are reaponsible for his targeting. Actions have consequences....again. Oops.
  11. I bet e can send you plenty that certainly either flat out state that or certainly lead the narrative that way. That’s his point (I think). Putting these fucking ball catchers, actors and politicians on these pedestals need to stop. Good for LeBron. Good work and commendable. That’s all that needs to be said. Now he’s being touted as a god because he called a name and got called one back by somebody that “shouldn’t have”. I’m gonna slap the fuck out of somebody soon.
  12. You didn’t see the irony in that statement? You must be a racist.
  13. LOLOL! "..said something contrary..." Wow...what a nice way to put it. Like, "he kissed me with his fist". Lebron called Trump a "bum" Trump called LeBron "dumb". I think it's square. Good grief. eEERRRRRMMMMAAAAGHHHOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  14. I'll probably see her again sometime this week. I'll ask when I'm done showing her my "oh face".
  15. Ahh...I'll add that to my FS aliases spreadsheet.
  16. Me too. But, there's plenty whose voices I'd like to silence....permanently. But that not how it works. Reality, for me at least: fuck that fucking whack job. But, why do others with the opposite and just as dangerous viewpoints get to remain? Answer: popularity. So, we can all use the tools of speech we are provided as long as we don't stray too far past the "authorities" agenda and start to get too many people to listen to us. Got it. SMH. This would be like CNN, MSNBC or Fox cutting off a political figure's speeches or comments because they don't like them and can decide for America what they should hear. Could you imagine?!? Wait.....................
  17. LOL. Yuh..so, women train at Ft. Sill. You are comparing Marine basic to that? Come on. Look, I'll be the first to say that Marine's probably have a slightly more intense basic than the typical Army Infantry basic. I think the Marine's basic is a month longer...at least it used to be. It also has to be because the that is really all the combat training the vast majority will receive outside of their units. I'm guessing the "wash out" in Marine basic vs. Army Basic is much higher. Army basic training was sucky but It would be tough to say it was difficult for anybody with half a brain and a small amount of athleticism. Plenty of neck-boned, fuck heads make it through that..it's fucking retard central for what I saw was a catching mitt for our society's half wits. What happens after that is where things start to ramp up in difficulty and wash out rates. Now, for the sake of this kinda retarded Ranger vs. Marine argument.....to even be accepted into a Ranger Regiment requires about 5 months of training. Of the nine of us that started out together, only 3 made it and of those three, only two made it past six months in Batt (Ranger battalion). Of those two, only one went past the two year mark (after two years of Batt, you can pick your assignment anywere in the Army). And more than all that shit...I don't take any fucking guff from a mother fucker that needs a ride from the fucking Navy when they go somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!! @SVT Renegade XRS
  18. "Literally" That's 'literally" what I'm "saying". I think you just made my argument even stronger. Hey....thanks fucker! Messages need to be simple and easy to follow Ron in 2012: "Restore America Now" Trump: "Make America Great Again!" See, technically, just subtle differences but one is a stronger tone and is far more inspiring to Americans. Look at Obama's slogans in 2008. Simple and inspiring, "Change". Rands in 2016 was "Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream." Mhm. Look, the Libertarian viewpoints are good. Well, damn good. But they need really strong leadership to front it. Fuck....they are up against DC and the media. Johnson set them back a good ways which was a fucking shame. Ron and Rand have share great talking points and good ideas but, they also share milquetoast leadership skilz. That's all there is to it.
  19. But you refer to being "conservative" in fiscal debates. Which is it? Or, do you think it can span a wide range to fit your profiles? IMO....."Conservative Leadership" (for the purpose of this debate)= Weak leadership. I consider Ron more like an graduate professor than a leader. Which brings me to the age old rule...those that can do, those that can't....well, you know.
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