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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Im afraid my old injuries will prevent me being able to enjoy it. I don’t see wanting to ride any other way than I do. Im no tourist! How much will a charge last on your kayak? Is there anything funnier than some fucking tool bag that doesn’t own or ride a sled trying to crack on somebody else’s sled or riding style? Not a chance!! Does your brother still ride?
  2. Can't be. Sled looks to have survived the mishap just fine.
  3. Wasn't Charity Watch the one that was caught taking kick backs from charities? Also, 2011-7% logged going to charity
  4. See, a proven liar doesn't get to decide what lies should be more important to others. SBYL.
  5. Proof? Or, is the opinion of the Iran apologists here just that much more valuable?
  6. I'd rather be dead broke at 65 then get to that age and realize I didn't spend any of my money fo do fun shit while I was still young.
  7. No. It's about 80. Don't you ride a banana seat touring sled? How exhilarating!!!
  8. Hey...relax. It could have been dark brown. Or, did you just call me a "rassiss"?
  9. I think it would be the coup de gras backfire. Their tactics have done nothing but keep their simple, butt-hurt base intact so far while strengthening their own opposition from Trump's base and others that are just glad Hillary got an ass handing.
  10. Oh, the place just sounds dreamy! Iran is very westernized! Their Ambassador just went on record to again to justify their "moral law" to execute gays. It's really no wonder liberals here really like this whole mooozelum thing. It sounds pretty cool to them!!!! Unless of course, they aren't really sure what Sharia is about. It could be that.
  11. International TDS. When did you serve again?
  12. Wait, so another Dem running for President thinks Trump should be impeached? Breathtaking.
  13. She just “exaggerated”. That’s not a lie!!! Well, unless it’s Trump. We know this!!!
  14. This count scares you, eh? It always does with people like you because, the reality is, you somehow find this gives people credibility and you hate that. What really gives people credibility on the internet is not being proven a lying, hypocritical hack daily. SBYL. Put your brother on the web now.
  15. Nobody really cares about the deficit. It’s just political yelling fodder. Any attempt to cut spending is met with hostility from both sides. Quite frankly, I’ve just chosen not to care anymore. Nothing will change until we reach the bottom....and I mean full on bottom.
  16. It’s such a peaceful region. This is a real quandary.
  17. Boo hoo. “Nobody likes me here but there is no such thing as ‘Freedom Kayaker’ so, here I am doing my repugnant little dance.” Many of you not only have any here but there is no doubt you don’t have it in the real world either. This is your therapy. Tour place to come and speak freely to an audience. Who, ironically, kicks tour cans down the road all day everyday. But, this is your life. If it weren’t for this kind of poor attention, you’d get none at all.
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