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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. This actually sounds 1000X better than some of the crackpot theories spewed around here.
  2. You mean welcome to thpinneyvan zone. “Human resources vice president Dennis Rooney says the decisions weren't made lightly. He says the cuts were made through a combination of retirements, attrition and involuntary separations. Company officials say they've invested in better manufacturing operations and now efficiency has improved to the point that those jobs are expendable.”
  3. Just put some rub on four butts and wrapped to soak it up overnight. Fire to be lit at 0500. Its time for butt, baby!!!!!!!!
  4. Haters are gonna hate...that’s all there is to that. For many, it brings them short stints of levity and justification for their sad, empty and meaningless lives. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
  5. Yup. Damn that bitch has some pipes too. What a great first album from Evanescence.
  6. Whew...both were awesome but, Woody just stole that show.
  7. He’s a tortured artist for sure. The best work comes out of these people. His brother’s suicide really fucked him up but damn did he write some good stuff afterwords.
  8. Is it me or does Biden seem to be a more attractive voice when he is being lambasted by his own party? Carlson actually did a bit of defending him the other night from the rest of his clan of retards. It was kind of impressive. What Biden said was benign...and the truth. And all fell in line when Obama said anything the same. Some fools ol’ Dem hypocrisy in action and, like always, Tucker did a good job of destroying these fucking imbeciles. Democrats. Why a neat party of liars, hypocrites, haters and freaks!
  9. Dems love them some “immigrants”. Free food, healthcare, schooling and medical is what they get to vote “correctly”. Also, how many years did Tool Kit claim Texas was going blue? Right up until he gave himself a hiatus....again!
  10. Shawn Morgan is an excellent vocalist, song writer and musician. I wasn’t a fan of Nirvana or any other group remotely related to “grunge”. It was never my style. I’ve got plenty of Seether downloaded.
  11. I had my 800 set up with clutching and gearing similar, but not the same ratios as my SX. It was a god damn riot. I mean, stupid fun. Topped out no more than about 85-90 but could jerk the skis up out of every corner. It was a hoot....for a very short while, after that is was fatiguing and got old trying to control traction and steering out of corners. I felt it was a wrestling match. My buddy on his 600 could punish me after a hard section in the twisties and I could rarely recover. Sure, I could make up some ground on small straights but not enough. It was a fun sled but just not the right weapon for how and where I ride. I’m quicker now from point to point on this 600 than I have EVER been on any 800. Of course, my set up on this is as good as I think I can ever make one. The fact I can control torque easier and pin it faster makes it the better CC option. Am I going to head down to the lakes and rail heads and race it? No. But I’m not going to the Blue Oyster Bar looking for hairy asses to crank my wank in either.
  12. Oh, I think most countries that have either been suckling from our teats for decades, just started to or, were expecting to under the Obama extension (Clinton) want him gone. Showing power from a position of strength is hated now. So, boo hoo for them and fuck them. As far as Iran, I don’t see war but, I do think retaliation is fine. This drone incident should have cost them a half dozen anti-aircraft batteries...maybe it will. Now, as to them “pushing for war”, if they fuck around and earn it and earn without question, they’ll get what get get and I don’t think that will hurt Trump BUT, they have to do something really stupid....and irrefutably so. I just don’t see it and even if they do, we can cripple them heavily from the sea and air. Full out “war” is really just not necessary. Here’s the biggest problem Iran has: they are a terrorist nation and sponsor. That includes training and equipping. They’ve got factions within their own government and certainly militant groups within their country that are well financed and supplied to enact terrorist operations. They’ve never had full control of them because, well....how do you control terrorists? I believe this drone was shot down by those acting independently or, with passive approval. That country is a fucking mess from top to bottom and their hatred of America more than justifies us keeping them under wraps for the reason stated above. They aren’t in control there....and it appears, as it always for decades that is the way they like it and want it. Now, for those of you losing your minds reading this who are Iran/Muslim/ME apologists and can’t wait to regain me, let fly you fucking half wits.
  13. Arguing semantics? Anything to try for the win, eh? But..just more losing. ”Home” is those in the family that belong in the house. “House”= City, county, state, COUNTRY. Dummy.
  14. You are ignorant.
  15. I don’t open my refrigerator to strangers that snuck in my home because my ignorant landlord refuses to put a door on the hinges.
  16. “Humanity”, like charity, should start at home.
  17. Zero question. Our forces were given orders to train on Syrian objectives during Obama’s late tenure. We’d still have boots on the ground there by now with that worthless lying bitch. It was reported as 400M but I’ve read that was just the original amount the forfeited with their idiocy. We paid interest at a handsome rate. Obama was a generous God. When you lose stupid bets, that’s not your money any longer.
  18. Wow. You just fucking won this thread. Spot on, my man! Cuz....Fuck those kids in our ghettos eating ketchup packs and pissing down the stink pipes! They can warm themselves in the winter with the knowledge that American liberals care more about children from other countries!
  19. Woo hoo!!!! There may be some hockey life left in me yet!!!! Wait, what age of girls league can I play in? I can be a fucking star in the Bantam group!! All seriousness.....this is dumb as hell and continues the societal breakdown due to liberal thinking and policies.
  20. This just makes people angrier. Well, just some people.
  21. I can see how a lack of hypocrisy surprises many of you. It’s a trait so many here hold so dear....as they rail against it and call it out on all but themselves.
  22. We are about to see the lying propaganda wings of the MSM’s kick up into a level that will be absolutely astonishing.....and hopefully push us to “dust up” levels.
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