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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. While I don't intentionally look to offend others, I'm sure as hell not going to monitor everything I say either. If I "want" to offend somebody they'll know it.
  2. I have to wonder if a certain someone slept 6' away from their significant other with a mask on.
  3. Exactly why I flipped her the bird on my way to our cabin in northern Michigan.
  4. He should go himself. He always seems to have the answers to all the world's problems. Go over there and run the show General Snowblower.
  5. Yeah. Maybe they need to grab a gun and go help the cause or as some on here would say STFU! We just came out of a 20 year war and now want to screw around to the point of getting involved in another conflict. I get we don't have boots on the ground, but shit has a tendency to happen. We're playing with fire and the worst part is the people responsible for making the decisions aren't the ones that are going to get burned....... again.
  6. Because they don't have anything to lose. Pretty easy calling the shots from your Lazyboy. Stupid fucks......
  7. Fuck you you dumb mother fucker. You're the one jones' for a conflict and cheering on your inept PC of shit leader. You first. Better yet let's ship your ass directly to Putin. After having to listen to your stupidity for 5 minutes he'd throw himself off a balcony.
  8. Love everything from the WW2 era, but the p51 and the corsair are my favorites.
  9. She's a hysterical drama queen just like snowblower.
  10. Please, please, please do NOT ask them/they to show us their tits.
  11. You do realize you are the flip side of screwing up perfectly good threads. Poo550 all over again.
  12. So make it so he has to pay. That way the shot he took at you is legit. Lol!
  13. Nope. We all pay because it's required in the state of Michigan. If the owner wants to make it a so there is a fee to join then I can understand and respect that. I think he should, but that's his decision not mine. Does that mean those that are here for the banter and comradery should remain silent and not post? You tell me.
  14. Drama. Lol! Drama is someone who's supposed to be the "law and order" of this site yet appears to have a personal beef with another member here and has to air it out every day. Kinda puts the whole poo 550 threads to shame. I've never seen SSFB act like that. Maybe you should take lessons.
  15. That's a pretty shitty attitude to have. Just because I'm not a platinum member my opinion only counts some of the time? I get the need for contributing, but it has never been tied to being "allowed" say what we want to say. Same with the post count. Maybe he doesn't have a high post count because he doesn't waste his time fighting with other members on here. You need to get off your mod high horse and if that hurts your feeling ban away. I don't really give a shit.
  16. Every single one of them. I don't give a shit if they have a D or an R behind there name. If they actively participated the sexual assault of minors they should get the book thrown at them.
  17. Time to bring back public executions for these people. If they survive.
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