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Everything posted by 03classic700

  1. The sports books are now taking bets on the weather!
  2. He brought up personal info on fj7 in the the immigration into Canada with a dwi thread
  3. It's not just the old that are getting sick. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/health-news/a-12-year-old-coronavirus-patient-fighting-for-her-life-had-no-preexisting-conditions-her-family-said/ar-BB11AgSW?li=BBnb7Kz
  4. The hospitals around Boston have been setting up tents outside to be able to segregate and process patients.
  5. Fuck nascar Rhode Island just closed the strip clubs!
  6. Team 21 looks to be the winner they're getting close. live link to finish line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkg9B6ohMO8&spfreload=10&app=desktop
  7. Mechanical issues is what's posted.
  8. A lot of the trackers aren't working today. Team 22 left CP13 Nain in 8th and have moved up to 6th place going into CP16 Sail lake.
  9. Working great from PC and Phone!
  10. I think there were a couple of teams penalized a 1/2 hr each at Churchill for taking unauthorized route into the CP.
  11. Team 22 was 7 and 1/2 hrs behind and then spent over 3 hrs wrenching trailside, they made some time up today they are 4 hrs behind. Going to take a miracle to make that time up, still pretty amazing if they didn't have mechanical issues they could have been an hour back.
  12. looks like the top 4 teams are taking the 10 hour flex time at cp9 rigolet.
  13. 22 must be working on sled as they are not moving and it's been 3 hours.
  14. I looked it up 10 hours of flex with a minimum of 2 hours at a time it needs to be taken between cp 5 and cp 13.
  15. I think they have 6 hours to use as flex before the next mandatory 12 hour layover.
  16. 22 is using 2hrs of flex time.
  17. team 33 looks to have had to backtrack and now them and team 2 went back to where 33 was very slow going. Team 21 took a much different route and are now in the lead.
  18. You can't be on the gov't tit you go through too many sleds!!!
  19. 2018 Yamaha sidewinder's in the lead team 33 in the lead 2020 Yamaha sidewinders team 50 in 4th
  20. 1:05 pm Atlantic time zone
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