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Everything posted by $poorsledder$

  1. I grew up in a family business, did quite a bit with my father so the family could get something out of it. I didn't marry into a family with an established businesses such as yourself and reap the rewards because this family felt an obligation to take care of their new burden. As far as my military background I my be a veteran because I served but I am not a combat veteran so I don't feel I deserve the same recognition. I have a deep respect for those that honorably served and I resent when it is used as discussion to provoke political views by people like yourself. Chickenhawk? What's your military background Mr. Hypocrite? You have this habit of freely throwing around your family's military service with not even an ounce of understanding of sacrifice, you throw this fact out with hope to gain an upper hand in your conversation or to gain some undeserved respect. Your such an asshole.
  2. So Mainecat, I would think that someone like you leaching off the family business would have been happy to see a business man take the helm and attempt to get rid of some of the restrictions holding our country back. Is the other side of the family that provides you with your "cushy" lifestyle Republican or Democrat? I think it's going to be an awesome 8 years! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  3. Dude, I think you have a hard on for Donald. That family business that you freeload off of have to close down for a day last week when all your low paid immigrants took the day off to protest?
  4. If my kid had issues with the kids down the street I would tell him to go find some new friends. Time to let it go.
  5. I'm not anti-Semitic but as I read things about history being covered up (and not only about the Jews) I wonder how distorted things have really become. The Jewish slave trade, they played a big part in it and made a lot of money. This is just a short article, Aeron Lopez looks to be one of the biggest scumbags or heroes depending on what you read...... http://www.rense.com/general69/invo.htm I often wondered what pissed off Hitler so much that he did what he did to these people.
  6. About a year ago Sikorsky aircraft was sold for $9 Billion. Right around the same time Anthem was getting ready to buy Cigna for $54 Billion. Sikorsky manufactures aircraft, Anthem takes money, invests it and makes more. When you and your doctor call about your broken leg Anthem nickel and dimes you and you end up paying most of it in the deductible. Fuck Healthcare companies.
  7. FINALLY an article I can agree with. If Obama really wanted to fix healthcare he would have gone after the insurance companies. Anthem buying Cigna for $54 Billion, all these companies do is wash money. If anything needed regulation this is it........
  8. Wealth, off the back of your family that did the work. Trump took the wealth his family gave him and got off his ass and did something with it, what have you done with the free money your in-laws gave you Mr. Philanthropist?
  9. If your in-laws stopped being nice and "drained the swamp", where would your next job be? Your on the internet 24/7, you can't be of any use to them and their business.....
  10. Yep, too bad for Bernie. You think he'll live to run again in 8 years when Trump has to leave? Your such an asshole.
  11. The guy on the left is over qualified.
  12. Mainecat your in-laws family give other employees as much time on the internet they give you everyday?
  13. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-tweets-disapproval-of-gop-move-to-gut-congressional-ethics-office-233124 “With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it … may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS,” Trump wrote on Twitter. This is one thing good about Trump. Keep the party focused on the real issues first and deal with this little crap later.
  14. F-35's are being setup to work with drones. F-35's will locate target, pick the best weapon and determine witch drone/aircraft to launch it from. Skynet is here. Next aircraft will be autonomous, Kind of wonder if work is being done right now on this aircraft.
  15. https://www.f35.com/news/category/israel Also allowed to play with software to adapt their weapons..... https://www.wired.com/2016/05/israel-can-customize-americas-f-35-least-now/
  16. Reminds me of someone here that's on the internet way too much. Time to check the bathrooms again?
  17. Love how Hillary fucks up shit like Benghazi and it's ignored, Trump goes on Twitter and the media's working overtime trying to analyze every key stroke. He's got CNN by the balls.
  18. Hey stall 3 in the men's room is a mess, get off the net and do your job. Wash your hands when your done!
  19. Kind of hoping some of the newer Dems will step up and take control of the party. Maybe age will take it's toll over the next couple years and help "drain that swamp"........ make the Democrats relevant again.
  20. Sounds like Obama really fucked it up.......... http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/foreign-policy/311206-trump-must-take-iraq-policy-in-a-new-direction
  21. What's wrong, you 3 don't want to support your country and it's rightfully elected president? Funny how quiet it was here right after the election, I guess the sand in your vag must be getting real irritating right about now. I can't wait till the guy actually gets in, I'm hoping for an awesome 8 years!
  22. In What order should I clean my family's business bathrooms? A. Woman's Room B. Men's Room C. Transgender Room When do you work, at night?
  23. We'll never know.... our great leader didn't get to go to the meeting..... http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/20/world/middleeast/russia-iran-and-turkey-meet-for-syria-talks-excluding-us.html?_r=0
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