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Carlos Danger

USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Carlos Danger

  1. Well if you ever had to market a product on the internet I think you would find out pretty quickly about Google's bias.
  2. I think Tulsi will be back. The Dems are going to have a war internally that is not good for Tulsi this cycle. But she could be a bridge between the two factions in 2024 when the party will definitely need someone who does not look crazy. Tulsi is not afraid to go on Fox and outlets that in opposition and that really is the key for Dems in the future.
  3. I am not so sure about user fee road tax. I think as we move away from gasoline electrical service is going to end up with the tax load.
  4. Actually so is Google.....I am not all that thrilled about the actions of Google I think this is a bad move for them.
  5. 20 years from now I see it as a 50/50 proposition gas/electric. Electricity can be taxed for road use just like gas.
  6. Honestly Biden has not given a good speech in decades.
  7. I think the model 3 and the small SUV yet to be released will have enough numbers to justify and after market battery pack and that will change the dynamic. The electric motor and components should be able to go along way. Number of battery cycles is going to be more important than Miles on a pure EV.
  8. Yes but as they become more affluent the harder it will be for the Communist to hold on. Plenty of cheap labor in South East Asia.
  9. It is always the battery pack. My buddy bought a very early Honda insight. Honda was nice enough to replace the battery pack once but the second time around they said no. To be fair the car is 15 years old now?
  10. The US does not want China doing with Huweui what Android and iOS have done for the US intelligence agencies. Remember when Obama was tapping Merkels phone.
  11. Tesla went a long way last year with their acquisition of Maxwell techs in the pursuit of a cheaper better battery. Maxwell's dry film battery tech takes much of the cost and short comings out of the way Tesla's cells are currently made.
  12. The Hewuei pro 20 is going to have one of the nicest cameras on any spying device sold next year.
  13. The real advantage of the fuel cell in an industrial setting is ability to be throttled up and down quickly with load demands. They are still considered low to no emmission cause you basically just get water out of them.
  14. They are just not that great in a car. Fuel cells have caught on but on more of a commercial level. Instead of hydrogen they tend to use natural gas but they are becoming more prevelent.
  15. There are a few guys on YouTube that have put high miles on a fleet of Tesla's that are used in some sort of delivery business. I think he has one or two that are close to 200k.
  16. Oh come now....Biden was there. Plenty of crooks and cheats left in the Dem line up.
  17. I know one more place you can't go to.
  18. The irony is without Trump there still would not be any Jews in Palm Beach.
  19. They call it something else so that they don't have to pay into ISO or be dictated to about their rules. One of the salesman on the new side of our business said it best when he says dealing with China is like having negotiations with a pick pocket.
  20. Once Biden got in you knew they were out of ideas.
  21. Maybe we should change that to the "left side of the isle" as not to offend your LGBTQXYZ sensibilities.
  22. All they can do is pray for rain at this point which is a bad spot to be in. How many threads has MC started about a coming recession which you know are just regurgitation from left wing sites.
  23. I think the current group of welfare peddlers running for the Dem ticket have an up hill battle at this point. They have been so focused on Trump's warts that they have ignored the bigger picture which is his successes. I don't think the current Dem front runners are quick enough on their feet to take out Trump.
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