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Everything posted by irv

  1. Of course you do. Where's that vid of Shillary welcoming Soros to that speaking engagement saying no one knows better than George?
  2. Yet, the President you hate was against the WEF and globalization but the current one is all for it. https://time.com/5406130/we-reject-globalism-president-trump-took-america-first-to-the-united-nations/
  3. Measure your own until the gov't doesn't think you're doing a good enough job so they'll do it for you telling what, when and how much you can purchase for your own good.
  4. Do you figure you took your multiple masks off too soon?
  5. Of course he is, despite the evidence showing him more and more fully vaxxed, especially those with boosters, are getting it way more often than the unvaxxed, because that is what the Dem/Lib MSM told him.
  6. I don't get that either??? My 13 Ram, as I've stated more than a few times here, has been the best truck I have owned. My previous GM's and Chevy's all had problems that shouldn't have arose with the amount of miles on them at the time.
  7. Once a liberal democracy, Canada is now an authoritarian state. More than 15 years after arriving in Canada to secure a more open and rewarding life, I must now consider the possibility that my civil rights might have been more secure back in India. Once a vibrant, liberal democracy, Canada is now becoming an authoritarian state. https://nypost.com/2022/05/21/how-canada-went-from-liberal-democracy-to-authoritarian-state/
  8. 3 more confirmed deaths. I sure wouldn't have wanted to be in the Ganaraska Forest yesterday. https://globalnews.ca/news/8861973/ontario-storm-death-confirm-police/
  9. Wild, eh. Goes to show ya just how strong the winds were. He is lucky as where he lives it is pretty wide open (Hwy 9/45 area) but he said he basically came out of it unscathed. Lots of pics in this link and more if you click on the Twitter links. Edit: some crazy/scary vids within as well. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/ontario-deadly-thunderstorm
  10. Quite a few of my friends have posted pics too, George, with one buddy posting a pic of a huge hydro tower down on Hwy 9/Kirby area. He has no power and was told he'll be lucky to have it back in a week. 5, 5 gallon jugs of gas for his Genny cost him $300 dollars last night he said.
  11. It very well could have looked like it did in those pics, I don't know, but I do know it was a very wide, very black front coming towards us. Lots of trees block my view, plus cutting the grass like no tomorrow, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it. Both of our cats were hunkered down in the basement behind the couch so that is where I stayed the majority of the time as well. My wife loves storms but even she decided to join us. My son was at Mosport for the May 24th racing festivities but we found out he got caught in the storm on the way home and had to pull over because he couldn't see squat. It made him nervous, we could easily tell.
  12. I didn't see anything that looked like these pics, but I was rushing as fast as I could to finish getting the grass cut too. While doing the front yard, I knew something wicked was coming as I honestly don't think I've seen a more black looking sky in my life. As soon as I finished, that is when the lady across the street was warning me about the tornado coming. The wind was howling so bad at that time I had to run closer to her so I could hear her. As soon as I got back into the garage, it hit with a wallop. The hail was hitting the windows so bad, I thought they were going to break. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enCA925CA925&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=Derecho&fir=4lAA4RAmalaZwM%2COTkhE8qIr6B8AM%2C_%3BG3_mqWlO81pmwM%2COCcGEeuoVxKDjM%2C_%3Bgq7USGfQODAIBM%2CDzcs9OwItvt4MM%2C_%3BLk8uGIrURrbNNM%2CsaqO0FfQ5wSOrM%2C_%3BsiZI_6YlZ2E6nM%2CTgjhgJA2i1q15M%2C_%3BZe_TdtOG3By4AM%2CmGJE7sLMoDe_dM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kQ_rSI8l4FtKYyaku2YLUykO-VQgw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil1fOLzfP3AhUQUM0KHSEmA34QiR56BAhcEAI&biw=1280&bih=609&dpr=1.5
  13. Not that I'm aware of but because it is basically across the Oak Ridges Moraine, it could be a hot spot more so than other areas I assume? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oak_Ridges_Moraine Edit: Uxbridge declares a state of emergency. From Mayor Dave Barton The township of Uxbridge has declared a State of Emergency. A severe storm that went through parts of the Township of Uxbridge on May 21 has left significant damage in its wake. Widespread power outages are occurring. Many roads are closed throughout the Township and Public Works and Emergency services are on location removing trees and ensuring hazards from downed power lines are managed. While the Township assesses the damage, The public is asked to stay away from downed power lines and keep children and pets away from downed lines and fallen trees until the hazards can be addressed. All available Township staff are working as quickly as possible to reopen roads and remove tree hazards. We ask for your patience as work is underway. The public is asked to stay off the roads to help staff focus on the hazards rather than manage traffic congestion. Residents should be prepared for an prolonged power outage. Please stay home for safety.
  14. Sad news. And a tornado did touch down about 20 minutes west of me. Weird, the lady with an iphone and a different weather app was warned about the tornado but our phones said nothing about a tornado. At least two people dead, more than 300,000 without power after storm hits Ontario. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/at-least-two-people-dead-more-than-300000-without-power-after-storm-hits-ontario
  15. Where did all the WE money go and the other billions that Trudeau won't account for?? But, but this girl living in a $400 dollar a night hotel room that I can't prove.
  16. We had a good one, non tornado, blow through here about a couple/few hours ago. Tons of branches and trees down all over the place and some houses lost a lot of shingles. Tornado warnings were posted on certain apps but none touched down that I am aware of? (Durham Region) Just got off the phone with a friend at our trailer park in Marmora (East of Peterborough) and he said some trees were down on trailers and they have no power. I haven't heard much of anything else as I'm sure he is busy but he said it was brutal.
  17. But here I thought the vaccines were working miracles? 3 yrs into this and you still think we are going to hit herd immunity, Trail? Again, if these vaccines are so stupendous, why haven't you got your booster yet? Have some hesitation now?
  18. Covid is dying out so onto the next fear mongering agenda. I'm quite surprised, but maybe it hasn't been hot enough yet, that the climate Crisis hasn't taken a hold yet. You do know we're all going to die in 8-12 yrs if we don't act now, don't you!
  19. Petit mal? An absence seizure causes you to blank out or stare into space for a few seconds. They can also be called petit mal seizures. Absence seizures are most common in children and typically don't cause any long-term problems. These types of seizures are often set off by a period of hyperventilation. My old girlfriend used to get those back in the day, and I assume she still does? Just a blank stare/silence for a few seconds then she was good to go again. No hyperventilation, just what seemed like a quick daydream that came out of nowhere.
  20. Geez, I don't know, Trail? MSM hasn't really put the fear into me yet, but as soon as they do, and because I can't think for myself, I'll be the first in line for this moneypox, I mean monkeypox vaccine. What says you, Trail? Will I have to compete for the 1st position in line with you? Did you ever get your covid booster? What are you afraid of? https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/declaration-iv-restore-scientific-integrity
  21. No idea on a long lasting tire shine but I've been using Collinite 845 Insulator wax for years now and swear by it. It lasts, easily, 6 months. Lots of detailing sites around but I mostly use Bob is the Oil guy.com now has they have a great detailing section that gets a lot of traffic. Autopia.org is another one that is detailing specific. I also use this soap and have for a few years now. A cap full goes a long ways and the suds last and last. This is from Eshine.ca A CDN company who I mostly purchase from. Olde Town Auto spa is another one. Sign up to both and get notices, as well as car detailing tips, from both of them. https://www.eshine.ca/collections/wash-and-dry/products/optimum-car-wash-128oz https://www.eshine.ca/collections/waxes-sealants/products/collinite-liquid-insulator-car-wax
  22. Poor Spun dried is all Jelly of Jordan Peterson. Who would have thunk?
  23. The Toronto Star, CBC or CTV News likely told him that, so therefore they are in his world too.
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