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Everything posted by irv

  1. irv


    Yep, you got us there, Kev! Just a few years ago we experienced record cold. Was that also Global warming? Tell me, you really aren't this stupid, are you? https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto-posts-coldest-temperatures-in-two-years-as-wicked-cold-snap-continues-to-grip-ontario
  2. Funny, your CBC article didn't talk about these things, mouth breather. “[G]iven the sluggish pace of economic growth seen towards the end of last year, leaving employment growth still outpacing [gross domestic product], we see scope for some softer job gains in the coming months, which will keep our forecast for an interest-rate cut alive,” said Andrew Grantham, senior economist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, in a note. Indeed, CIBC says fourth quarter GDP is tracking toward an annualized expansion of 0.5 per cent, while other banks are projecting similar lukewarm growth. CIBC suspects this economic climate will result in the BoC cutting interest rates in April. BMO’s Mr. Kavcic said that, despite December’s job gain, employment growth was still considerably weaker during the final six months of 2019, “and we suspect that gains in 2020 will look more like the second half of 2019 than the first.” “[G]iven the sluggish pace of economic growth seen towards the end of last year, leaving employment growth still outpacing [gross domestic product], we see scope for some softer job gains in the coming months, which will keep our forecast for an interest-rate cut alive,” said Andrew Grantham, senior economist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, in a note. Sluggish business investment is a key factor behind Canada’s feeble gains in real GDP per person. This chart shows that real business investment per worker in mid-2019 was noticeably below the levels recorded in early 2008 across most categories of investment, including machinery and equipment and intellectual property products. Simply put, Canadian firms aren’t investing enough in the things that make both employees and the overall economy more productive. Policy makers continue to keep a watchful eye on household debt levels, and rightfully so. The share of disposable income required to service debt levels is at 30-year highs while interest payments are rising 4x the rate of disposable income growth. It’s no wonder that consumer insolvencies are up eight per cent year-over-year so far in 2019 in spite of a labour market that by most measures is as strong as it’s ever been. But while all eyes have been on household balance sheets, Canadian corporations have quietly been undertaking their own borrowing binge. Non-financial sector corporate debt now sits at 71 per cent of GDP. That level stands 18 points above long-term averages and makes the U.S level of 48 per cent look pedestrian by comparison. In fact, over the past five years, the rate of growth in this ratio in Canada has more than tripled the G20 average. The Bank of Canada recently warned that, “resiliency of the Canadian economy will be increasingly tested”, which makes rising corporate debt burdens one more thing for policy makers to keep tabs on. Decline in business investment is pulling down growth Canadian economic growth has been pulled down by an outright decline in business investment the past few years and this year is no different. Our 2019 growth drivers are consumption (0.9 percentage points), government spending (0.4) and net exports (0.6), while business investment is projected to be a net -0.4 percentage point drag on real GDP. This is particularly concerning since our already flagging productivity levels have been diverging from other countries, such as the United States, in recent years because businesses have not been provided with the incentives and certainty to invest in the technologies and skills that help national economies compete.
  3. irv

    Trump rally

    It's funny how these clowns come on here seeking approval and wanting to be relevant, but when that doesn't happen, instead of just leaving like anyone with a brain would do, they put those from which they are seeking approval from on ignore. If that isn't a measure of insanity, I am not sure what is?
  4. Umm, u guys might want to click on the link. Says the dog was stolen and returned to its rightful, homeless person's owner.
  5. Yeah, it's not looking good here either. Still calling for lots of rain and the potential for lots of freezing rain away/north of the lake, and if that happens, with the forecasted strong winds, it will be ugly. https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/report_e.html?on11#2030347492134297999202001090503ws1171cwto
  6. Seriously? You bring your own booze into a strip club? How does the club make money and do they watch you to make sure you don't consume too many or is there a limit you can bring in? Never heard of this before in my life. Am I missing something here?
  7. That's not really a fair question. I mean if Trudope wasn't such an incompetent moron and had done for Canada what Trump has done for the States, I could probably tolerate him a lot more. Trump's biggest downfall, imo, is how he talks and comes across but it still pales in comparison to our idiot up here. Queue the water bottle/box thingy.
  8. I bet the fucker isn't even dead. Maybe that's a conspiracy theory but look at the money and friends he had. Add the rest of the coincidences up and it is more than just some slim possibility, imo.
  9. I can't even laugh anymore! It sickens me to even look at him let alone listen to him.
  10. Well, based on your self proclaimed field of knowledge, you should have a hard long talk with yourself. The only ones I see supporting and mourning his death are those that also believe in terrorism.
  11. Hate to tell ya, but I told you so, and I also told you all why Trail is the dumbest member on this site as he is the only one who admires and adores him. Kevvy is Kevvy but at least he also thinks/knows Trudope is an idiot as well.
  12. You mean the Terrorist? That must have just slipped your mind temporarily?
  13. Interesting take on things. Where did you read or hear about this? Maybe it's being hushed but I have read nor heard anything about Zeinab being on that plane nor dying?
  14. Trudope on the news now talking about the plane being brought down. What's he going to do other than to ask, please don't do this again. He has ruined the connection/friendship with Trump so he doesn't have anywhere to turn. https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.4758513
  15. Have you seen Trudope's new beard trying to look debonair and all? Nothing but a Globalist puppet who more than likely was told to grow one. What a moron he is!
  16. More than likely true but if anyone knew anything about the majority of the Chinese and their total disregard for rules, laws and common sense, it would be easy to see why this might have happened. "WE", like I am somehow responsible for what happened in China and for their stupidity.
  17. And so did nature itself, but lets not talk about that because we only want the news that makes us feel guilty, ashamed and depressed so it fits in with the global warming alarmists narrative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recently_extinct_mammals
  18. I hope you feel guilty!! "WE" killed it. Up to 23 feet long, the Chinese paddlefish was the giant of the Yangtze. And we killed it. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/07/asia/chinese-paddlefish-extinct-study-intl-hnk-scli/index.html
  19. CTV, which, to me, is like CNN North, said Iran has invited CDN investigators to the site. I'll believe it when I see CDN investigators on the ground and at the site. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/iran-says-it-will-let-canadian-investigators-join-plane-crash-probe-1.4759850
  20. 63, and mostly students. Tehran plane crash kills 63 Canadians — Iran says it won't hand over black boxes https://nationalpost.com/news/world/iran-says-passenger-jet-crash-that-killed-all-170-aboard-was-not-caused-by-a-stray-missile
  21. Reliable sources?? https://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-flight-752-shot-down-by-anti-aircraft-missile-2020-1?utm_content=buffer09bea&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-biuk&fbclid=IwAR09JZ42Wrpqwg07G1h1uXw9m2F0ix9Ak_2rJ3lkpXmj_cF2LiLxJAeu9Ng https://www.thepostmillennial.com/breaking-ukranian-plane-was-shot-down-by-iranian-anti-aircraft-missile/?fbclid=IwAR3HaJqGFSpbaWa2xs4RgLSx3c6m58Jv6lF_J1gA-3i_DR8a5lJai0vSoas
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