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J. Jackson

USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by J. Jackson

  1. Far far from delusional my friend as a multi time Hay Days and many other major races can attest to it as fact. The 9 was a decent sled but nothing earth shattering or legendary. The non DD sleds were a boon to drive belt suppliers tho.
  2. Challenge? The 900 was never a challenge to a 2005 Machz, not even close. My 04 Rev 8 was more than a DD 9 could handle. Let's be real.
  3. You find that funny? Try watching some stand up comedians sometime, it may broaden your horizons as far as humor goes.
  4. Loyalty is earned not expected. It's not a one way street. So someone that has bought many Cats and hasn't been satisfied with them is now a hater? Lighten up Francis.
  5. What you don't seem to get is that it's all about perception not substance for most. If it looks the part for 95% it's all good.
  6. Do you equate looking at a N-G back in the day to watching porn stars fucking in todays world? I don't know about you while seeing an African womans tit might have been exciting for a 12 yr old kid back in the 60's it sure doesn't have the sexual experience for an adolescent kid as what a porn scene does in todays world. You think that it's ok for a preteen to learn how to eat pussy or perform a b-j?
  7. Whether most 8th graders have checked out pornhub is pretty irrelevant and I hope that's not true. I'd like to think that kids can be kids and enjoy their innocence. When we studied the Diary of Anne Frank a long time ago it was learning about the hero that she was. We saw some pics but it was more about what one person could do to save her fellow man. There was nothing sexual as it was anything but. It was about courage.
  8. You're an idiot for even bringing it up and then trying to sexualize it is worse. "Obviously you've never....." Quit while you're behind.
  9. Sounds to me that she was testing the limits and lost. Boo-hoo.
  10. What would you know about snox anyhow? Stinki will set you straight.
  11. Hard to figure why this guy has such a hard on against snox. If he hates it so bad why click on the thread? Probably failed to ever transfer or too many LCQ's is my guess. Should have had Northstar clutching.
  12. This one is a 23 and off roading probably not happening even tho the drivetrain is super beefy and ground clearance is real good. This thing out of the hole in Watts to Freedom mode is absolutely wild. In the 1/8 it'll stomp the best of them, no joke.
  13. Trump had some boastful lies but Biden tells these lies about his supposed life accomplishments like they're fact and at weird times and places to make people think that he's all that and more. Like the old saying goes, "How can you tell when a politicians lying...." He's been this way his whole life and has gotten away with it which is troubling and speaks volumes about the electorate.
  14. Ford had a 2 safety recalls on Broncos, one for female end of seat belts that were difficult to latch because the arm was a little short and one for a backup camera that wouldn't work properly.
  15. It's true. When we "broke trail" it was literally making a trail where no sled had gone before. Of course this was back before trail systems existed and 16 horse power was big bore!
  16. Electronic power valves, pretty novel.
  17. I don't as the main station is based in Burlington Vt which is just cunt hair right of San Francisco's political level.
  18. I'm waiting until at least 66.5. I'm quite a bit older than my wife and would want her to have my larger monthly amount should I croak before her plus at 65 I'm still earning a good paycheck from my business which I still enjoy getting up in the morning to go to.
  19. I didn't realize that all the verdicts have been handed down. What are the sentences?
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