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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. While that is good news, it still isn't Zero as some would like people to believe.
  2. To think that saying inflation is zero that people will believe it? https://nypost.com/2022/08/10/biden-wh-claims-us-has-zero-inflation-despite-high-rate/ President Biden tried to claim Wednesday that the US had “zero inflation” in July hours after federal Consumer Price Index data showed annual inflation dipping only slightly to 8.5%, which outraged Republicans and other critics who pointed out it’s still near a four-decade high Yeah - it might be better than last month, but it still is high.
  3. Yet the economy is going in the wrong direction - I don't know if I believe the jobs numbers or much that is spewed out. I do believe what I see in stores, at pumps and talking to friends and neighbors and that is not good. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/05/economy/june-consumer-credit-report-debt-increase/index.html. (CNN)Americans piled on $40.1 billion worth of debt in June, the Federal Reserve said Friday afternoon. The figure was considerably higher than economists' forecasts, after May's revised total of $23.8 billion. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/economy/recession-inflation-fed-dudley/index.html New York (CNN Business)The Federal Reserve's war on inflation will eventually kill the economic recovery from Covid-19, former Fed official Bill Dudley warns. The problem is that the Fed began its quest to tame inflation late, leaving the central bank little choice other than to slam the brakes on the economy by drastically raising interest rates. "Almost certainly there will be a full-blown recession. If we're not in one yet, I think we will be in the next 12 months," Dudley, the former president of the New York Federal Reserve, told CNN in a phone interview.
  4. Maybe, just maybe if they wrote bills specific to what they are trying to accomplish - they would be passed. But no - they have to have loop holes that allows for spending on other agendas into them - that is why this was not fully supported. I am glad that someone watches that - and it should happen on every bill that is brought to the floor by either party.
  5. I don't think anybody will say its bad, but I am unwilling to give credit to the group that wants credit when they the caused it to double in the first place. They help create the problem, I expect that they will fix it and not need a pat on the back.
  6. Might be possible, but probably not happening. Lots of feel good words. Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that wind power turbine blades cannot be recycled, because without additional information it could be misleading. The blades can technically be recycled, and an array of small-scale efforts are doing so. But the practice is not widespread due to the cost of the undertaking and a lack of infrastructure. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/30/fact-check-recycling-can-keep-wind-turbine-blades-out-landfills/8647981002/
  7. WTF is your point in this thread - Gas is still up over 2 times what it used to be, inflation is the highest in 40 plus years and interest rates are on the rise. Who gives a shit about unemployment rates when we are going backwards financially right now. AND this topic is completely different - are you lost again or you lost again.
  8. And they still suck in reliability - don't know if you want to go with a quality accusation when your own is about the poorest rated one out there. https://insideevs.com/news/549130/consumerreports-tesla-reliability-poor-2021/ https://driving.ca/column/motor-mouth/motor-mouth-electric-cars-are-less-reliable-than-gas-ones-says-study
  9. Trying to get tips on how to ride....
  10. I will put another perspective on this - I was adopted, my brother was adopted, my sister was adopted - I would not be here to enjoy my family, children and grand children if not for someone being prolife. Same statement - How could I not be pro life. However - I do understand there are some rare circumstances that require that choice for an abortion to be made.
  11. You don't really think that, if the parties were flipped you would be the first crying on here about how obscene that was......
  12. I am curious and you probably already answered this in another post, but what was the total expense for EV's and the Electrical generation hardware and installation. What is the expected ROI on the complete setup? Thanks
  13. @Mainecat - why do we need $28 million in federal spending to fix this. Mainly comes from a supplier that has problems and the rest it supply chain issues that your favorite person cannot seem to make any progress on. Throwing more money at it is not the fix. FYI - I read the links and they do not explain why 28 million is needed.
  14. So Trump tried to fill it with cheap oil, but the Democrats in office blocked it, now I am sure there are for it at record high oil prices - fuckers. In March 2020, Trump did propose purchasing 77 million barrels of oil in order to fill the SPR to its maximum capacity, according to the DOE. But Congressional Democrats blocked the measure, calling it an “estimated $3 billion bailout for big oil.” https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/strategic-petroleum-reserve-not-full-trump-presidency-fact-check/536-2fee187d-3992-4444-a55a-efd5b5ebec5a
  15. Yea right - been there a couple of times - good times...
  16. F'n smoke and mirrors, lets blend more ethanol in to bring the price per gallon down, but don't tell people that it delivers less energy and your MPG's go down also so you have to up more often.
  17. Curious - what does the other person's vax status have to do with you wearing a mask. Vaccinated or not doesn't make you safer. Really - just curious on why you think this.
  18. Post up the non-edited video then - prove it wrong.
  19. They have him https://nypost.com/2022/04/13/brooklyn-shooting-suspect-frank-james-in-police-custody/
  20. And we don't even make the most dangerous countries by murder rate - I wonder why? It looks like any country with high gun ownership has a lower murder rate - hmmmm.
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