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Everything posted by dsupercat

  1. Don't even want to ask what you do?
  2. Just curious what time does your mom tell you to go to bed?
  3. You are truly and idiot. You take numbers and come up with a solution. If your going to take numbers into account why not add the population density in which canada is 4 per km compared to the us which is 36 per km. When your having sex with trudeau are you on top or bottom?
  4. Why is there not a picture of pelosi in the instagram hottie of the day thread!!
  5. You are an idiot every president has created national debt but trump figured out a way to do it without inflation unlike tater brain.
  6. I agree with them moving over but just remember they are probably not doing it to upset you they probably just don't realize what there are doing. Also every time I come up on someone like that I always think of it could be a possible landowner just out for a little ride on there sled that they have had for 20+ years and ride it for 40 miles one time a year.
  7. Yes it can be annoying but just relax. If you have to slow down for 10 minutes in a day its not going to wreck your day. Most of the time it is a older couples or people with young children. They don't put on 1000's of miles a year and are just trying to enjoy the trails as the rest of us. Next time you come up on them just take a deep breath. At least in Wisconsin there is no limit on how slow or fast you can go during daylight hours.
  8. And this is still a sport?? I love being there in person but on tv is just boring!!
  9. Can't get covid if you don't get tested.
  10. You should start your own business and pay all your employees twice of what others are paying. Also offer them pensions, free health care and 3 months off a year. Also make sure that you only buy products from mom and pop shops never any major chain stores. See how long you last. Duh!
  11. In the state of Wisconsin if you plow a road on a lake and someone is injured you can be responsible for injuries.
  12. Maybe we should shoot all the deer. Think of the money insurance companies could save!
  13. I guess the bars and restaurants will be busy in superior.
  14. Well it is obviously you are not working next to these people then, I'm sure they could use an extra hand even if it's 1%.
  15. Hell on average 220 people die each day in WI better look at the other cause of the other 171
  16. Hopefully the suspects think before they do it again but probably not. I'm sure some slum lawyer is just waiting to make a buck off of this one.
  17. Wouldn't the horse owner be promoting clean air? Who's the idiot!
  18. Using the internet to prove something is fake with another fake source. Very clever!
  19. I guy I knew that always bought low and sold high said when he buys that it's junk, once it arrives on his property it's merchandise!
  20. Children died and this is the dumb shit you type. Hopefully you were born sterile!
  21. Oh please tell me I have nothing better to do then type on my computer all day and night, if I knew how much money you made today at least I would know that someone in the USA is doing ok. Please fulfill my wish please! Thanks broke ass working american.
  22. Where do you put the ketchup packets and hot water for lunch?
  23. I am actually embarrassed to be from the same state as you obviously you live in the southern part.
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