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Everything posted by jdsky

  1. I don't get it either. Ride as fast as you want if under control and nobody is coming. Meaning slow the fuck down for ten seconds when someone is coming down the trail at your or if you are coming up on a blind corner and cannot see the other side. Nearly every single near miss we had this year would not have happened. The other one is those following in groups think it's a green light to ride the wrong side of the trail. I realize it's tempting and for some it is the only way they can try to keep up to ricky racer out in front that is going balls to the wall all day. If you cannot see down the trail or around corners even if following stay right and slow down. Otherwise ride as fast as you fucking want to.
  2. There have been videos over the last 20 years explaining the tech that has been developed and the evolution but this recent one is not a bad summary. But I'm not here trying to prove that the REV transformed the sport all the proof that is needed is at long last cat finally has a true rider forward design. It very well may be the best on snow and it should be. I hope it is. Poo bit the bullet, paid the royalties and launched what many say is a better riding chassis than Doo many years ago now. I put in my wish list of what I want in the future from Catextron. Now they just have to deliver.
  3. If these deep dive video's were from Poo or Doo blowing about their chassis', engines, and suspensions the cat fanatics would be pissing all over them calling bullshit on any of the claimed extra special engineering. Shit, this chassis should have the best of everything when cat has had at least 2 decades to perfect something to compete or beat the REV. How about we wait and see what happens when they actually get into the hands of the owners and get some hard miles on them? How about wait and see when a version is available with a performance engine?
  4. I don't ride with a single cat diehard anymore that would say anything other than cats best engines were/are made by Suzuki and Yamaha. None of them would throw down their own hard earned cash for an 800 flame thrower. Yes, doo and poo have had plenty of problems over the past couple decades with their 800/840/850s but beyond initial design changes there are far fewer issues spread across tens of thousands more sleds. More importantly none of these issues kept their buyers from buying them. This is something catextron will have to do a shit ton of work on just to get their own fans to purchase if/when their next engine hits the snow in the new chassis.
  5. Fuck, not this again.
  6. This is the way bloated Fortune 500's have been reducing white collar work force forever but I guess to some it's new. In this case less than 10% of GM's bloated staff took the offer. 1 month pay for every year plus cobra is pretty standard fare and nothing earth shattering. So you've worked there 20 years and you get 20 months pay with health insurance. BFD for 20 years of your life. What mostly happens is that anyone that was planning to leave anyway saw it as a nice going away bonus or an opportunity to earn double while at their new job. Anyone not already planning to leave that could easily land another job would now take it. It's just another way to get rid of good talent. l had good friends that I worked with for years that went out and landed as good or better replacement jobs and then after the waiting period came back for better pay and better positions a year or two later. Same thing will happen at GM. The only way to get rid of the shit is to lay their assess off.
  7. You're asking him to have some basic common sense. Not possible and proven daily.
  8. I have no data on Florida but I do for Texas. My brother cools about 4000 square feet. His electric bills in TX now average $800 in the summer months with his highest being $925 last July. With geothermal heat in WI heating 4800 sq. ft. the largest electric bill I ever had over the past decade was $375. That was a January that had over two weeks of sub-zero which rarely happens. Normal average is $250 per month for heating in the winter and $150 in the summer when cooling. His electric bills are just insane down there.
  9. The democrats won the "non-partisan" election for judge. Which is ok only to the degree that the entire abortion issue needs to go away and is the last thing this state, or nation, needs to be preoccupied with. As a nation we have an economy on the brink of collapse, a banking system that is on the brink of collapse but lets focus on something that should never have become an issue in the first place. Taking away any rights of citizens in this day and age is just fucked up. In other WI election news. The republican won the election for the 8th senate district giving the republicans a super majority in the senate. They now have the power to remove officials that are put up for impeachment by the assembly. That means, theoretically anyway, that if judges are found to be embroiled in partisan decision making they can be impeached (including the newly elected judge) and the state senate can remove them from office. The governor has no power to stop it. Really the only positive outcome of this state election was that all three questions that should have been voted yes to were by a majority of WI residents.
  10. Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous times we live in and evidenced everyday even on this tiny sledding forum. Zero fucking common sense at all anymore. I agree, trump has had his day and he's not getting elected to even his local school board but to think trump is the countries problem right now is just beyond fucked up and a clown circus to keep the dumbocrat base focused on something other than all the other shit that is going on that really should be the topic of dicussion. We have a president that is so senile his only coherent thoughts, when not medicated out of his brainless head, is when is the ice cream being served. But it's only trump that is unfit for office.
  11. Gubments always get their money. Texas has no state income tax. I pay $9K a year property taxes here in WI while my brother pays $15K a year on a home with the same taxable value. While $6K difference does not make up for the state income taxes I pay it does get more than made up for in the 8.25% sales tax he pays for everything he buys vs 5.5% here. Add in the fact that it's hotter than hell there, water is an issue, electricity is fucking off the charts expensive (his electric bills for AC from May to October run $800 a month) and the fact that californians fleeing their completely fucked up dumbocratic state makes it one of the last places I would voluntarily move to. I spend enough time there for business that I am happy to leave when finished.
  12. Poll: Even 70% Of Independents Think Trump Indictment Is Politically Motivated By Tim Meads • Mar 31, 2023 DailyWire.com • Facebook Twitter Mail (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images) (Barry Williams/New York Daily News/Tribune News Service via Getty Images) How are Americans feeling about former President Donald Trump's indictment? Well, now that it has actually happened, we have yet to see new data answering that question. However, a Quinnipiac University poll that was released Wednesday showed that the vast majority of both Republicans and independents believed that a potential indictment from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is “politically motivated.” “Republicans (93 – 5 percent) and independents (70 – 26 percent) think the Manhattan District Attorney’s case is mainly motivated by politics, while Democrats (66 – 29 percent) think the case is mainly motivated by the law,” Quinnipiac announced in a press release. Per Quinnipiac, that means that 62% of all Americans “think the Manhattan District Attorney’s case involving former President Donald Trump is mainly motivated by politics, while 32 percent think the case is mainly motivated by the law.” Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of Democrats believe that Bragg’s investigation is due to concern about upholding the rule of law. Curiously, that same poll finds that a majority of both Democrats and independents believe that if Trump is charged, it should disqualify him from seeking higher office. Many have speculated that a Trump indictment would coalesce the Republican Party primary voters around Trump, in support of a perceived political prisoner. There have yet to be any definitive polls proving that, though in wake of the actual announcement Thursday popular pundits such as Glenn Beck of The Blaze indicated the move made them more supportive of Trump. “Donald Trump is not even a person anymore,” Beck said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “He is a symbol of the average everyday guy that keeps getting screwed, every single time.” Beck did not go as far as to say that Trump would win the 2024 election, but he did offer a theory as to how that could happen. “I don’t know if Donald Trump is the winner or not,” Beck said. “But I will tell you this: You’re not going to stop a hundred million people. This country is in shambles, and there’s going to be a hundred million people that will walk on broken glass and through fire to vote for someone other than this corrupt banana republic administration.”
  13. Not easy answers for dipshits with zero common sense.
  14. Because our economy is not setup to account for robots replacing working wage earning humans in the millions. The issue is a lot of people can be directly replaced only with an AI based service - no robot needed - and huge swaths of humans are suddenly unemployed. This is not going to be gradual it will be nearly instantaneous which is why there is cause for alarm. If you are an employer competing in a market and your competitor can lay off an entire staff of humans just by signing up for a service everyone would have to do the same in order to stay competitive. It would be a tidal wave of layoff's.
  15. Says the dipshit that brought up racing 600's.
  16. In the near term it's not really advanced AI weapons that is concern, although it will become one, it is the huge and immediate economic impact that will be felt by millions of workers that are suddenly replaced by AI systems. One simple example are paralegals and those that write and transcribe legal documents all day. Tedious work but it pays well and it was stated that something like 300,000 paralegals could be out of a job in an instant. Literally millions of office staff that receive calls and provide phone based support to customers could easily be replaced by the technology and the list is pretty long. Going to be a bit before we see robots performing precise manual tasks but once it's there the impact will be swift and real for people trying to earn a living and support their families. Why I think a 6 month pause is stupid is because this technology should have been far more tightly controlled years ago. Like any technology that is a threat to not only our economy but the world economy it should be treated just like any military tech that you don't want in the hands of evil bastards except our own government is full of evil bastards these days. It's clear that the train has already left the station and now these same people responsible are suddenly in crisis mode. More should have been done long before we ever got to this point.
  17. You are the absolute worst fucking thing there is for the cat brand and your head must still be soft from that high speed wreck on the ice. Where on this chart did cat's 600 win anything or even come close to winning anything out of the crate in the great covid dirt race of 2021.... I'll give you a hint. There would need to be some yellow on there someplace if it did. The Poo 650 smoked everything in the 600 class except for one lucky Doo ET and MPH.
  18. What is a 6 month pause going to achieve? Some sort of miracle world-wide agreement not to create AI that will kill all humans on the planet? An agreement that wouldn't be followed by a single solitary government of our enemies.
  19. jdsky


    Comes as part of the dumstad options pack. Upgraded flat light windscreen, 25MPH throttle limiter and first aid kit. A bargain at $795.
  20. jdsky


    I think chassis evolution has reached it's end. There will be tweaks here and there but there are only so many ways to arrange the triangles. It would be tough and cost a shitload of money to clean sheet an entirely new design and take a flyer on it hoping it is the next great thing for the sport. Sadly, electric sleds may be the last area where major changes can be made to chassis geometry. Getting rid of clutches, belts, chains and all of that shit for a simple direct drive system could allow for more radical chassis designs. I think the charging infrastructure is an almost insurmountable issue for sledding manufacturers to overcome. If dipshitocrats continue to be in control I guess anything can be overcome by applying massive amounts of taxpayer dollars to it.
  21. jdsky


    Catalyst will win all three SOTY awards and sweep every podium in every type of race there is in 24. Poo and Doo have no chance. Once that 600, with an 800 crank, hits production state even the turbo 850's will get shown what's what. So fast and powerful textron will scrap any idea of ever needing to launch a big bore option. So fast dumstad will crack his brainless melon once again riding across a wide open lake with nothing else around him. This time at hyper speeds exceeding 30mph.
  22. If that same team puts wings and jet engine on a catalyst chassis just imagine what the fucking thing might do!
  23. "cloudiness sky's." Maybe get checked for a concussion. Scratch that. Just looked it up. You need a brain in order to get a concussion.
  24. Pretty sure if he had an alpha he could get to the top of Everest.
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