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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Nick the Ice Attack has the embedded tip studs one the outside belts and I'm not sure how far above the lug they extend. On the Axys sled you loss .25 to .38 of clearance over the outside belt compared to the center. On the outside belt you have about .50 clearance so I don't know what clearance you'll have. If you go with the Rip 2 and only stud the center then no you will not need tunnel protectors
  2. Pond racer. In the record book. The record Crazy Joe set was in 2012. 🤣
  3. Got the rest of the trail brushed up Nth that I take care of. Sucks when you get both saws stuck in a down tree. Had to get the wedge out to free one
  4. Looks like it. They meaning where I work was just giving internal stats to our company/division.
  5. I'm an essential worker so wasn't offered the option to work from home. The ones that had the option it was hit and miss as far as the effectiveness of them working from home. Comes down to personal dedication when your home. Can see a lot of distractions while at home. On a side note they use to give number of cases active, number of recovered etc. The funny part is the highest percentage that contracted Covid worked from home.
  6. We're not that bad around home but by our place up Nth it common to loss power during a bad storm be a period of time. We have a generator and solar panels up there also. That also brings up a hiathetica point. We also lose power up Nth if we get heavy snow. We can have up to 10 people/sleds at our place at a given time. First off would be my own electrical setup being wired to handle having 10 sleds plugged in. Next would be if a snow storm went through and knocked the power out. Not good. Another hiathetica is staying at a motel and how their own electrical grid is setup. Just say you have 50 sleds at night plugged in. Will it handle the load. Say nothing of the vehicles plugged in. Will this by like the wild west where all the horses are lined up but not its sleds being changed. Next I'm sure this will not be a free service how will this service be provided and paid for?
  7. Friend of mine is an Electrician Contractor and we got on the subject of electric vehicles. He said many of the new houses that are being built now include a backup generator now and he's seen a steady increase installing on existing homes backup generators. The power grid currently is not the best in some areas and if we keep on adding which we are it's just going to get worse. We'll see all these electric vehicles being changed by portable or backup generators.
  8. If there's a sales to be had I'm sure he'll take a break. 😄
  9. Messaged him last night and he's going to check on a track. He's been crazy busy (in a good way) I'll let him fill in the details.
  10. There needs to be term limits for both Congress and the Senate. Congress made a law where a President can only serve 2 4 year terms because they become to powerful while there's no term limits in Congress or the Senate. Was a recommendation by Congress to reform the Federal government in 1947. Duh..... Can't stand watching or hearing Pelosi. It's like she's ready to blow a denture out any minute.
  11. Grooming EAA's field runway for their winter fly in.
  12. Get ahold of Fastsledder (Jim). He normally has some tracks.
  13. For me no at least not now. To short of range, no infrastructure to support it on the trail system. In some areas I don't see there ever being an adequate infrastructure. Some areas your luck to find fuel. On the plus side none of these sleds would have a loud can on them.
  14. He's more of a Kyle Busch with a little more class.
  15. Always thought the Pro-Steers were OK until you get into loose snow. Then they are lacking and push through the corners. I always have sharp carbides normally change to a sharpened pair everyother ride. So on tighter packed trails they work fine. It's when you get in the loose snow regardless of how good of carbides you have if the skies are shimmied or not they push thru the corners.
  16. For me I'm just tired of trying to defend the noise and off trail issues. Turn you back and loose the trails or be the whipping boy and take the beating when you talk to the landowners. We have great landowners but we've also lost some good landowners that have just had enough. Can't say I blame them in some cases. Yes I think if people were more involved with clubs taking with the landowners and see what it takes to keep trails or why a trail is routed a certain way because of a land owners request, that would open some eyes.
  17. Spent some time today stopping by some of our land owners. Every year they have comments on some sleds that are a lot louder than others. Guys are going to buy the cans but it would be interesting how many can manufacturers take landowners into consideration. I've seen "acceptable level" and "trail friendly level" advertised. How many can manufacturers actually spend the time to talk to clubs and landowners? Some of these manufacturers are actually hurting the sport with their products.
  18. I say put them in a dirt late model and go settle it. Happen to watch another replay when Chase cut the tire down and you can see Harvick go into the corner low and push Chase up towards the wall. Neither one is innocent racing deal. Same deal as it's always been where Harvick is getting to the end of his career and Chase is on his way up.
  19. Was at a swap meet Friday and Saturday. Seen prices on sleds that thought were out of line high. Just by us all of them sold but one. Used parts are high priced also. Everything I took sold at asking price.
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