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Cold War

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Everything posted by Cold War

  1. The WSJ guy was spot on. What you think these hardcore militants are posting online? Just to be clear, I am not saying everyone in Dearborn is a militant anti American but there is definitely a faction that exists there.
  2. Lost the vote? He be lucky if a Arab doesn’t assassinate him. These people have zero allegiance to this country.
  3. Because they know no one will say anything. Disgusting what this country has become. I don’t really expect anyone to comment, I just feel like it needs to be said.
  4. How many years has the media ran pictures of average Americans waving American flags, telling you they are terrorists, threat to America, felons, criminals, scum of the earth? These are elected officials of our local government saying these things. The Biden administration sends their lackeys to Michigan to bribe leaders with your tax money to tell their people to stop threatening the president and the government. So afraid of these people they would not divulge the time or place of the meeting. Your ass would be getting hauled to jail.
  5. Good God!!!! Die already.
  6. I had a 76 -77 Z , like this one in HS . Not as nice, but I loved that car. So much fun in that car! After I saw it at show, I starting thinking how I would love to have another. I couldn’t believe what they were going for.
  7. I never thought I would never own at least one sled and be a boat guy…..but here I am. Winters are done here.
  8. Good to see you back! 🍻
  9. Early 80’s something 4 door orange dodge omni. Bought it my self at 15.
  10. France? They don’t even know what is happening in their own country. You have Congress women pledging allegiance to foreign countries. Uprising, calling for the head of the vegetable.
  11. Yup! I remember one year we drove up into UP to ride for a week. Maybe a dusting on the ground when we got there. Not even enough to get sleds off trailer. 🙄 luckily it snowed all night and the next day. Turned into a great trip, but would of been long week had it not.
  12. No, I have firm grasp of reality . Residing in a very nice town, most would give anything to live. You seem a little more confused than your usual act ….I’m a hardcore conservative spewing liberal talking points for attention.
  13. Hard to believe….. maybe he is having a medical issue?
  14. Going to be in the 50’s by next week. One week of winter here so far. Another year with no ice or winter fest. Had a guy come in a week ago with a bunch of sleds for sale. I would of bought one, just to have something to play with for the grandkids. what’s the point? Do nothing but take up space for 50 weeks a year.
  15. Would the Country be better off with nothing but State/ Democrat sponsored propaganda msm? Can you imagine if they still controlled the narrative 💯? Dems worried about social media hurting kids???? 🙄
  16. Did you see on the news? Magas came out in full force to protest Biden being in Michigan. Signs with him hanging from noose, devil horns, murder. It was mostly peaceful though.
  17. Yes. Nice guy, but that was no internet act. He definitely marched to beat of a different drum.
  18. It was Barber or something like that. I remember him telling me had a shop. Another guy, I believe he was from Ohio. Can’t remember his name either…..He called 911 a inside job with the Saudi’s right after it happened. Damn! That guy took a beating over it, but he never relented or backed down. Back then, you were the scum of the earth questioning the government.
  19. I don’t know if you were on HCS way back in the day? I can’t remember his name but he had the turbo firecat and his rig as a avatar. I had breakfast with him. Interesting guy to say the least.
  20. People like you on both sides are the reason why we are where we are.
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