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Everything posted by Roosting

  1. But trumps affected you so bad, that you still buy prepH by the box.
  2. No you dont You like to jerk off to the mirror. That's not a DE-bate but MASTER-bate. Your the king
  3. wrong I got tired of talking to an idiot (that's you) and have been speechless from your last weak attempt to deflect from the democrat war machine.
  4. yes the war machine that is being run by democrats. Not sure why it's an issue to point out who is in charge of this operation right from the start to the pause and right back to business as usual once they were back in power.
  5. take it up with the democrat war machine it's their baby top to bottom
  6. Well the media would be flush with stories on how trump was helping nazi's. And on and on it would go But since it's a dem media blackout.
  7. It's not trump but what the democrats were doing. The crimea invasion was the start of take what you want we will make noise but do nothing but make $$$ out of the back door selling arms. Biden is just the continuation of what obama started and what hilliary would have presided over if that guy didnt get in the way.
  8. Why the pause from obama who had it all primed and ready to go for hill? Soon as it was clear biden was in the machine got ramped up to full speed again. If hill had won over trump the war would have started in 2017 without a doubt.
  9. Well he was driving the ship. There is no captain at the helm today and it shows
  10. Dont you know that it's a highly "mutated" version. Let me say that again but with capital letters "MUTATED" !!!!!!!! Sounds so scary but in reality, it's not.
  11. HUMAN there I typed it in caps so your stupid ass can read it. moron
  12. Gee you sound like a broken record this is all you have and it's weak assed shit. here is a topic: human now see if you can figure out how crisis fits in moron
  13. there is a crisis highlight one issue and we can address it. If you lack the ability to do that too bad. oh so now the wall is the crisis? Why is that? and why dont walls work?
  14. that should be the case but if msm has their way the publics knowledge is going to be partial and incomplete at best and incorrect most likely. Just look at what is out there now with bidens grift and SAR reports and the publics knowledge due to a media blackout. "But there's no evidence" bla bla bla But lets see how it plays out
  15. I never regurgitated a fucking thing. I did ask you what you think is happening and as usual you are too scared to put your thoughts down. I see whats happening and it is a crisis on many fronts (that means many subjects) but you cant opine on any one of them. Either you are on the downs spectrum or so completely out of touch you see nothing wrong with what is going on. So to throw it right back: you are just regurgitating some ultra left wing loony bin who thinks south america is the usa.
  16. you offer zero and therefore are entitled to the same
  17. So in your own words what is the crisis specifically?
  18. this is about as legit as it gets for a conspiracy to subvert democracy now isnt it!!!!! Knowing full well it's bullshit and pulling levers to advance it. The entire obama leadership cabal is guilty
  19. Looks like you are triggered the most of anyone here. Look at you flap. KR owns you you live up to your name every post, humongous swollen rectum.
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