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  1. Past hour
  2. Some people booed and some cheered. "Why doesn't Trump come and speak to us" "What is he doing here"
  3. That's why fake news was too chicken shit to air it live. Poor Stupid Stheve.
  4. The left will be calling that a quid pro quo and want to prosecute
  5. Gimme a break..... Immigration alone will be one of the many deciding factors that was head and shoulders better during Trump's term. And is one of the top concerns of Americans....other than some Democrats and TDS sufferers Oh let's hear : but Biden deported more on a % basis.
  6. Some people booed in deep blue Bronx??? Ermeghawd….no whey!!!
  7. Democrats hate America, they care more about other countries and their people than our own citizens.
  8. What happened in 2020 was nothing but emotional liberal faggots who shit and pissed themselves because they were so offended by Trump’s personality instead of focusing on the his fantastic policies. You dumbfucks found out just how stupid you were…….Joe and Cumalloverme Harris are perfects reps for you morons.
  9. ckf

    F1 2024

    Red flag before the 1st lap was finished. Both Haas cars out already.
  10. The facts don’t lie moron, Joe and the Democrats are a dismal failure. How in the fuck can approximately 38% still approve of his performance? Just goes to show that there’s still a good amount of radical retards who have their heads up their asses and you’re one of them.
  11. Today
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-hostile-territory-faces-booing-during-libertarian-party-convention-members-pick-nominee Former President Donald Trump was met with a crowd of repeated booing during his speech at the Libertarian Party convention Saturday night, appearing unsuccessful in his attempts to sway Libertarian voters critical of him for his COVID-19, immigration, drug war and foreign policies, as well as for his increased federal deficits and support for warrantless spying and more
  13. Stupid Stheve with the triple down. Why didn't fake news air it or even attend it?
  14. The greatest day in motorsports. Starting this morning with F1 from Monaco.
  15. And you're a complete moron if you think those 4 Trump years were worse....please don't embarrass yourself.
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