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Just now, Snoslinger said:

there's rumors going around that Russia has dirt on him. while you're not seeing much about the investigation, it's moving right along. shit is happening.

Russia digging up dirt on Republicans? Does that outrage you? :news: 

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Just now, Anler said:

Russia digging up dirt on Republicans? Does that outrage you? :news: 

the dirt may be tied to the trump/Russia connections. nothing is proven, yet, but this clown suddenly dropping out raises some flags. the fact that Russia meddled in the US election should make every American mad. if it comes out that the repugs worked with the Russians to do so, they should be irate.

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Just now, Momorider said:

He is 50 and if there were term limits he would be going, good move IMO :)

Probably see him run for POTUS in 2024

Not with that Russian dirt he isnt...

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Just now, Snoslinger said:

the dirt may be tied to the trump/Russia connections. nothing is proven, yet, but this clown suddenly dropping out raises some flags. the fact that Russia meddled in the US election should make every American mad. if it comes out that the repugs worked with the Russians to do so, they should be irate.

But Russia didnt meddle with the election. Russia did not change one vote or add or subtract any votes. How many foreign govts contribute to US elections? I would say alot. If that outrages you then condemn all foreign contributions, even the hundreds of millions of dollars donated to Hillary's campaign. Dont just be a sour cunt because one of the foreign govts is better at supporting their candidate than the others. Any dirt that was found on Trump would have been used against Trump. And lots of people (including many democrats) didnt like Hillary that much to begin with. 

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Just now, Anler said:

But Russia didnt meddle with the election. Russia did not change one vote or add or subtract any votes. How many foreign govts contribute to US elections? I would say alot. If that outrages you then condemn all foreign contributions, even the hundreds of millions of dollars donated to Hillary's campaign. Dont just be a sour cunt because one of the foreign govts is better at supporting their candidate than the others. Any dirt that was found on Trump would have been used against Trump. And lots of people (including many democrats) didnt like Hillary that much to begin with. 

jesus Christ stfu with that shit. why would they meddle if it wasn't going to have any affect? you don't think the leaked stuff on Hillary and the dnc helped trump win? give your fucking head a shake dude.

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Just now, Snoslinger said:

jesus Christ stfu with that shit. why would they meddle if it wasn't going to have any affect? you don't think the leaked stuff on Hillary and the dnc helped trump win? give your fucking head a shake dude.

Whenever you point your finger at the Russians just know that you have 4 fingers pointing right back at YOU!. :bc: 

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24 minutes ago, Snoslinger said:

jesus Christ stfu with that shit. why would they meddle if it wasn't going to have any affect? you don't think the leaked stuff on Hillary and the dnc helped trump win? give your fucking head a shake dude.

the partisan hackery runs strong in you.  Ignore facts you must.  

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5 minutes ago, Snoslinger said:

:lol: I'm not the one ignoring facts dude.


Post up the facts about Chaffetz  and the Russians .....not the blogger story I read this morning. I read some where Obama is from Kenya that must true too.

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Just now, T1R9sledder said:

Post up the facts about Chaffetz  and the Russians .....not the blogger story I read this morning. I read some where Obama is from Kenya that must true too.

The Obama part actually is true :flush:

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7 minutes ago, Angry ginger said:

you ignore them every day,  making your post on conjecture and speculation regardless of the truth.  

like what?. the fact is that Russia meddled in our election. the fact is that many in trump's cabinet had abnormal interactions with Russia. while this chaffetz thing isn't all fact, yet, it is fact he's dropping out, unexpectedly, around the same time this dirt is coming to light. :news:

do you think all 319 of these facts are all coincidence?



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Just now, Snoslinger said:

like what?. the fact is that Russia meddled in our election. the fact is that many in trump's cabinet had abnormal interactions with Russia. while this chaffetz thing isn't all fact, yet, it is fact he's dropping out, unexpectedly, around the same time this dirt is coming to light. :news:

do you think all 319 of these facts are all coincidence?



319 facts zero back up 100% :wrong: for over two years

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7 minutes ago, T1R9sledder said:

Post up the facts about Chaffetz  and the Russians .....not the blogger story I read this morning. I read some where Obama is from Kenya that must true too.

ginger was referring to my Russia meddling comment. I already stated not all the facts are known about chaffetz yet, other than him bailing.

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