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Pandemic Of The Vax

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy Snacks said:

Anyone who disagrees with Sludge is a fascist,neolib,groomer or all three.

And he wonders why no one will debate him.

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5 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:


Variants pre-vax?  You have been fooled moron

Yes. Speaking of fooled your dumbass doesn't believe there were variants preVax even though you've been ridiculed by the whole forum over this many times.  Stupidity has a strong grip on you.

5 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

What about them?  Any non sterilizing vax will drive variants

Actually people getting the disease drives variants.  Pretty obvious if you pay attention.

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6 minutes ago, Deephaven said:

Yes. Speaking of fooled your dumbass doesn't believe there were variants preVax even though you've been ridiculed by the whole forum over this many times.  Stupidity has a strong grip on you.

Actually people getting the disease drives variants.  Pretty obvious if you pay attention.

So you have no one to hang out with today for Thanksgiving?!?! That's sad and pathetic Sean.:cry:

Got to go for a bit grandma just showed up.  :thumb:

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
Just now, Badger** said:

So you have no one to hang out with today for Thanksgiving?!?! That's sad and pathetic Sean.:cry:

Got to go for a bit grandma just showed up.  :thumb:

Where did he say that?

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42 minutes ago, Deephaven said:

Yes. Speaking of fooled your dumbass doesn't believe there were variants preVax even though you've been ridiculed by the whole forum over this many times.  Stupidity has a strong grip on you.

Actually people getting the disease drives variants.  Pretty obvious if you pay attention.

Virus will take the path of least resistance moron

  That's in the vaxxed.

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18 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

Virus will take the path of least resistance moron

  That's in the vaxxed.

The first part correct, second part completely wrong but NEITHER at all are related to building variants.  Loosely perhaps, but you really can't be this stupid can you?

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1 hour ago, Deephaven said:


The first part correct, second part completely wrong but NEITHER at all are related to building variants.  Loosely perhaps, but you really can't be this stupid can you?

A leaky vax isn't as good as natural immunity.  So that was correct.

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29 minutes ago, Deephaven said:

You have zero data and just nutjob hyperbole to back that up.  Add to that your fear of the shot and it is downright amusing.

If you believe that then why are you an anti-vaxxer? 


The data that Pfizer has to back any claims was fabricated.  


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3 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:

If you believe that then why are you an anti-vaxxer? 


The data that Pfizer has to back any claims was fabricated.  


My guess is he’s just straight up lying 


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9 minutes ago, Deephaven said:

I am calm, Lloyd isn't.  How much wasted time has he put into posting absurd links here to try to defend his insecure stance on the shot?  Knocking down his nonsense is easy.  Agreeing with it pure stupidity.  

You haven’t knocked anything down. You just absolutely freak out and disagree with him on everything. 

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
6 minutes ago, ACE said:

You haven’t knocked anything down. You just absolutely freak out and disagree with him on everything. 

Do you know anyone who's gotten AIDS from the vaccine?

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  • Platinum Contributing Member
Just now, ACE said:

It’s either made you stupid or you were like that before idk 

Well you haven't had the vaccine. So you don't have an excuse!

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