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Thanks Biden


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Half the country eagerly awaits the Biden-Harris administration, hopeful that President-elect Joe Biden will “Build Back Better.” The rest of us ponder Barack Obama’s reported warning: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--- things up.” 

What could Biden mess up? A lot.  

Despite the liberal media’s apocalyptic pronouncements that President Trump has destroyed our country, a solid 56% of our fellow citizens think they are better off than they were four years ago. That suggests that for the majority of Americans, there’s plenty of room to backslide.  


For example, despite the horrors of the pandemic, the economy has proved unexpectedly resilient. Our recovery from the self-imposed lockdowns of the spring has outperformed every expectation, even as large industries like travel and entertainment remain constrained and large cities like New York continue under severe restrictions. 

We have regained more than half the jobs lost to the sudden downturn, consumer confidence remains high and spending is almost shockingly robust. In October retail sales rose nearly 6% from the year before, in spite of the virus. Housing is booming, home prices are rising rapidly and the stock market is setting new highs, all of which suggests that the next six to nine months will continue to see progress.  


This rebounding prosperity is of no use to the 11.1 million Americans still out of work, or the unprecedented number of people lining up at food banks across the country. But as we continue to dig out of the recession, job openings will increase and employment will rise. Unemployment today stands at 6.9%, down from 14.7% in April. 

How could Biden undermine this recovery? The same way the Obama-Biden White House prevented the “green shoots” of 2009-2010’s bounce-back from flourishing: imposing large-scale new regulations and programs onto anxious businesses. Biden’s quasi-Green New Deal will, like ObamaCare, stall business investment and hiring. Biden’s promise to raise taxes by $4 trillion will deliver the coup de grace. Both would flat-line our growth; both are priorities for Biden.  

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13 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

FOX News bullshit.

Oh it's on many sites, here's another..want more?

Business Insider

Barack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,' according to a report

tcolson@businessinsider.com (Thomas Colson)  8/16/2020

Business Insider logoBarack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,' according to a report
  • Barack Obama has privately voiced concern about Joe Biden's electoral prospects, according to a report.
  • According to Politico, Obama told another Democrat during the 2020 primary campaign: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up."
  • The report claims there are tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over the former President's perceived lack of support for his former Vice President in the presidential run.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Barack Obama has privately voiced doubts about the ability of Joe Biden, his former Vice President, to beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election, according to a report.

According to Politico, Obama told an unnamed Democrat during the 2020 primary campaign, in which he declined to endorse any candidate: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--k things up."

Obama has now backed Biden in the race to the November election against President Trump but is said privately to be concerned that Biden does not have an intimate connection with the electorate.

"And you know who really doesn't have it? Joe Biden," Obama told another Democratic Party candidate during the primary run, according to Politico, hitting out at his former Vice President's lack of an intimate bond with the Iowa electorate.


Video: Democratic donor Don Peebles on Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate (FOX News)

There reportedly have been tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over the former President's failure to back Biden White House bid strongly enough, which date from 2016 when Obama backed Hillary Clinton over Biden as his successor as 2016.

This year, Biden said to have chastened Obama to colleagues for failing to "lift a finger" to help him win the South Carolina primary, complaining that he had to win the support of black voters on his own.

"[Biden] did feel that he needed to go out and earn it himself, as opposed to having people see it as an extension of a third Obama term or having it be any kind of referendum directly on Obama," said Anita Dunn, a Biden adviser said, in comments reported by the Daily Mail.

Obama's support this year for Biden's presidential run was markedly qualified. "I believe Joe has all of the qualities we need in a president right now … and I know he will surround himself with good people," he said.

It contrasted with Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016 when he said: "I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office."

Read the original article on Business Insider



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1 hour ago, XCR1250 said:

Oh it's on many sites, here's another..want more?

Business Insider

Barack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,' according to a report

tcolson@businessinsider.com (Thomas Colson)  8/16/2020

Business Insider logoBarack Obama has privately voiced concerns that Joe Biden could 'f--- things up,' according to a report
  • Barack Obama has privately voiced concern about Joe Biden's electoral prospects, according to a report.
  • According to Politico, Obama told another Democrat during the 2020 primary campaign: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up."
  • The report claims there are tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over the former President's perceived lack of support for his former Vice President in the presidential run.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Barack Obama has privately voiced doubts about the ability of Joe Biden, his former Vice President, to beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election, according to a report.

According to Politico, Obama told an unnamed Democrat during the 2020 primary campaign, in which he declined to endorse any candidate: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--k things up."

Obama has now backed Biden in the race to the November election against President Trump but is said privately to be concerned that Biden does not have an intimate connection with the electorate.

"And you know who really doesn't have it? Joe Biden," Obama told another Democratic Party candidate during the primary run, according to Politico, hitting out at his former Vice President's lack of an intimate bond with the Iowa electorate.


Video: Democratic donor Don Peebles on Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate (FOX News)

There reportedly have been tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over the former President's failure to back Biden White House bid strongly enough, which date from 2016 when Obama backed Hillary Clinton over Biden as his successor as 2016.

This year, Biden said to have chastened Obama to colleagues for failing to "lift a finger" to help him win the South Carolina primary, complaining that he had to win the support of black voters on his own.

"[Biden] did feel that he needed to go out and earn it himself, as opposed to having people see it as an extension of a third Obama term or having it be any kind of referendum directly on Obama," said Anita Dunn, a Biden adviser said, in comments reported by the Daily Mail.

Obama's support this year for Biden's presidential run was markedly qualified. "I believe Joe has all of the qualities we need in a president right now … and I know he will surround himself with good people," he said.

It contrasted with Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016 when he said: "I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office."

Read the original article on Business Insider



You are aware that’s a fox affiliate right?

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11 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

You are aware that’s a fox affiliate right?

'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up': Obama has shared private doubts about Biden's 2020 chances claim insiders - as tensions grow over ex-president's lack of support for Democrat candidate

  •  Barack Obama allegedly cautioned another Democrat not to 'underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up'
  • The former president was slow to endorse his VP as the Democratic candidate
  • There are said to be tensions between the Biden and Obama camps over his lack of support
  • Biden claimed Obama didn't 'lift a finger' to help him win South Carolina
  • Obama discouraged Biden from a 2016 run
  • He instead backed Hillary Clinton as his successor believing her more fit to take over his role 


PUBLISHED: 09:40 EST, 15 August 2020 | UPDATED: 10:54 EST, 15 August 2020


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Barack Obama is sharing doubts about the ability of his former Vice President Joe Biden to win the 2020 election, according to a new report.   

Tensions linger between the camps with the VP determined to prove the naysayers wrong after Obama backed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his successor in 2016, Politico states.

While the former President has publicly backed Biden - albeit late in the day - he is said to be warning his inner circle that he may not be fit for office.

'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up,' Obama has cautioned, according to one Democrat who spoke to Politico.  



There are dozens more which all say the same thing.

Edited by XCR1250
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Biden now gets to deal with the exploding deficit caused by trump’s recklessness with the budget. There’s also the record trade deficit with China. Why is it every democrat has to deal with the mess left by republicans? 

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