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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Because you are the arbiter of what happens here? You don’t own this place like you said you did with your BIL’s business.
  2. Who is “Fagden”? I’m unsure of the dynamics here now. Probably because they look so gross.
  3. Why do you always want it to get worse? Dummy.
  4. They are as soothing as a warm compress after casing “whoops” all day. You may be reading them incorrectly.
  5. Hey, your ass buddy is trying to talk to me without you being present again. Give him a gentle lover’s nudge and tell him to knock it off. Go make him breakfast.
  6. I’m sorry. I can’t converse with you unless your boyfriend is present.
  7. He's earned that credit for sure.
  8. I'll post where I want. Thanks for the advice though. So, you are saying this place has a "down syndrome crew" hiding somewhere in all the TDS crew? I'll take Downs. It's not self inflicted.
  9. It's not their fault. It's because they are absolutely ate up with stupid in their own abhorrent fantasyland ideology of ignorance.
  10. Still trying to fight the good fight I see. Admirable.
  11. I share the sentiment with any and all who find this push for child abuse abhorrent. It's really not that hard. Either you are against it or you are for it. Making excuses for it still should get all your teeth knocked out and well, just killed.
  12. It's simple really....if you in anyway support the left, you support child abuse and are a groomer, a pedo or in training. Fact.
  13. A dreamy place filled with lots and lots of black gods and goddesses. Like, all dreamy places.
  14. Both disgusting and hilarious. But more hilarious, Forums are just made better with Bennifer and Sluggo. Sadly, most of the rest here just cancel their brilliance out.
  15. Wait...I thought they ran out of bullets, fuel, food, equipment, skill, knowledge and everything else immediately after they ran across the border. It was an epic fail from the very start and NOT AN ABSOLUTE CLINIC. Huh....maybe I'm just fully vaxxed?
  16. The weak minded fall for anything. Now, is it "falling" or is it just obeying orders now? Hard to say. One leads to the other.
  17. Covidians are the funniest people. I really miss them wearing masks though. I think identifying imbeciles as soon as possible is important these days. I've fucked around and wasted time and words with people who I didn't know were fully vaxxed until it was too late. I just smh and walk away...hoping none of the stupid stuck.
  18. Holy shit. What a left leaning slant if I've ever read one. It's the liberals who are afraid of their rotten work being reversed and those fucking gross fucks need to be. They are seeing the signs and it's my guess they are starting to feel a but weary of running their rotten little child mincing faces in their favorite hide outs now. Nice way to label it too. "Americans are afraid of political extremism". Americans aren't. Democrats are.
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