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Everything posted by $poorsledder$

  1. Look at this site as an example, you got an ass like this that litters half the topics with post after post of bullshit with the purpose of getting under peoples skin. I picture this clown sitting at his 1950's porciline kitchen table all day in his underwear on the internet doing nothing while the front lawn is a foot high and the house could use a coat of paint. He starts his "Should have been Hillary" topic and we're forced to follow 50 posts of his bullshit rather than real issues. You think anything will really get done when the clowns we elected are more worried about themselves and the next election?
  2. Nothings being done by the house or senate. If no one puts anything worth voting on out on the table then nothing will get done Trump brings someone new in to try and do something and the dem party attacks that person and the media jumps in. its all bullshit. Republicans and dems are focused on looking out for themselves rather than taking a chance and sticking their necks out a little to get things done.
  3. What pisses me off is the bullshit that gets played by the media day after day that deflects the real issues. it's all about the drama, I don't care about Russia or Hillary's mental health issues, tell me what's being done with immigration, healthcare, the economy...........why are we focused on people joining the military so the can have gender changing operations for free? Put that story on page 10 of the sports section, page 1 is for the real issues. Healthcare.......costs too much......fix it. Sit the insurance companies down and tell them we are going to not force people to buy it, let them cross state lines, let them go to different countries....what ever it takes to make it competive and bring prices way down. Same with perscriptions. Many families are struggling paying doctor bills and insurance is living like kings. immigration.......let the good guys in, keep the bad guys out. When you get in you have a certain amount of time to get your act together, do the paperwork, and become productive or your out. You rob a store or push an old lady down the stairs say goodbye. enforce it. As far as the leaks........who cares? Fix the country! So much wasted time. Go see a chick flick if you want drama. Its all bullshit and will go on to the next election.
  4. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-may-keep-obama-tax-on-wealthy-in-bid-to-save-health-bill/ar-BBDtF3J?li=BBnb7Kz
  5. Walmart has 12 packs of tampons on sale this week. I think the display case is right next to the seasonal fireworks sale.
  6. I live in CT Here's what I found out about Tennessee: Based on the information available to US Fireworks at the time this data was compiled, the following legal requirements are in effect for the State of Tennessee. Bottle Rockets: Legally Allowed Sky Rockets: Legally Allowed Roman Candles: Legally Allowed Firecrackers: Legally Allowed Sparklers: Legally Allowed Smoke and Punk: Legally Allowed Fountains: Legally Allowed Missiles: Legally Allowed Novelties: Legally Allowed Crackle and Strobe: Legally Allowed Parachutes: Legally Allowed Wheels and Spinners: Legally Allowed Sky Flyers: Legally Allowed Display Shells: Legally Allowed Aerial Items (Cakes): Are "display Shells" morters? Legally Allowed
  7. I'm not talking bottle rockets, I want the stuff where I have to dig a hole in the ground and set a tube in it. I want mortars, I want to put the neighbors "display" to shame. When driving south it was a ritual to stop on the way home and fill the trunk. Haven't driven south in a while, what states have the best toys? I seem to remember Tennessee was the place to stop, take a leak, fill the car with gas, and spend a couple hundred bucks on gunpowder filled things. What state allow what?
  8. Those poor, misunderstood, infidel haters. You would think the rest of England would tone down the night life a little and show respect by adopting beliefs of this growing minority. Sharia Law might solve some of the problems.
  9. I used to drink about a case of Coke every week, gave it up for water and now drink Pure Leaf unsweetened iced tea. Only health concern with iced tea is kidney stones, when / if I experience that I'll find a new vice.
  10. My brother would tell my father he was going to call DCF. My father would tell him its going to be difficult to dial the phone with broken fingers.
  11. Didn't realize how old this was until I saw that one post.........
  12. I worked for Belimo for a little while, they have a damper actuator that attaches right into 6" pipe along with devices that monitor room temperatures allowing you to make each room a zone if you wanted. As mentioned above its not cheap. I would consider Belimo one of the leaders in HVAC, for actuators. Look at Belimo Induct Zone Damper Assembly http://www.belimoresidential.com/damper-assembly.html
  13. Yes, you get fucked based on demographics: http://khn.org/news/premium-variation-intrastate-obamacare-marketplaces-exchanges/ but reading into the article the insurance companies set prices on a number of factors, one being lack of competition and the availability of good heathcare in the area. The medications are developed here, all the tests and trials are done here....it gets approved and goes globally only to have the US consumer get fucked. If socialist regulation offers an available cheaper price then let it influence the price at my CVS.
  14. Insurance companies are fucking us because they can. If the state line argument was bullshit they would have let it happen already. Risk pool.......... if you treat your body like shit and it shows when you go to the hospital for that annoying chest pain maybe you should be charged a little more for being as asshole. I don't want Canadian Healthcare, I just want people to be able to fill their prescription somewhere cheaper.
  15. Let me cross the state line to buy insurance. Let me buy medication in Canada or places in Europe.
  16. Your such an asshole. You supported a president that for 8 years was all talk and no action. Gender neutral bathrooms and a failed, poor thought out healthcare plan trumped the economy and foreign policy leading to the fucked up world we have today. You then picked a dumbass ex-presidents wife that couldn't take an election that was pretty much handed to her and when she looses she runs into the woods. I was no Trump supporter but am very pleased that we have someone that can listen to advisors, make a decision and go with it. "he didn't approach Congress on this".......they would still be debating what to do. Now this? He gave Russia a heads up that we were taking action? I think he should have done what they did to us, have our ambassador walk down to the Russian embassy and verbally tell them they got a half hour. It was an appropriate reaction, we took out some of there aircraft and infrastructure with no need for aircraft or "boots on the ground". I pretty sure it made the point that was intended. Your such an asshole.
  17. What I found refreshing about this whole attack is he sat down with the military and his advisors, made a decision and followed through. It was a quick and appropriate response.... no drawing stupid "lines in the sand", no public opinions, no bullshit like the past 8 years. He told Russia you got a half hour to get out and followed through. Even Hillary would approve.........
  18. http://www.westernjournalism.com/thepoint/2016/12/23/joe-biden-weighs-hillary/
  19. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/immigration-arrests-at-mexican-border-continue-to-plummet/ar-BBzm7bz?li=BBnbcA1
  20. Reminds me of how past administrations would refuse interviews with FOX. It's gonna be an awesome 8 years!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  21. My daughter, son and I have discussions that I never had with my parents.....drugs.....sex.....almost anything goes. My daughter would challenge me with questions like what I would do if she came home pregnant..........I told her I would be disappointed in her and would get over it but that I'm sure she would be a wonderful, loving, single parent and would give it her all for the next 18 years living in my basement raising my grandson/daughter while going to school at night and working days to pay for daycare.
  22. I used to drink a lot of Jameson, I'm thinking of doing a couple shots and then going back to this to see if it makes sense.
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