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Carlos Danger

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Everything posted by Carlos Danger

  1. the media covering up for Trump????🤣 give your head a shake.
  2. I had one shear off the key way in the flywheel which set the spark timing way off. Had Spark and Gas but no run.
  3. I love to go out to California Alameda island on the San Francisco Bay and go to my favorite Mexican restaurant restaurant right on the main drag. Of course after the meal you have to go out on the sidewalk and take a dump ...when in Rome.
  4. She is the Kardashians of Washington. Famous but not gifted in any way.
  5. No good Mexican food where you live.
  6. I have a spool gun and they suck. Especially on aluminum.
  7. I guess you are right.....the guys who lived in the snow belt and built Polaris sleds could not make a reliable large twin for a decade so how much worse could the Mexicans do.
  8. So people who have never seen snow are going to be making Polaris snowmobiles?
  9. It won't be long before the brick oven pizza tech crowd moves to Texas to avoid the left wing Utopia they have created in California. I figure it will take 30 years or more before guns are outlawed in Texas and the homeless start taking a dump in the streets.
  10. Yea I was not sure what your goals were. Tig is the way to clean welding and the newer inverter tig machines really have brought good quality welders to the hobbyist. I just would want the option of aluminum and for that you need AC. you could get a straight mig machine and a cheap inverter tig for the price of the ESAB.
  11. I have a Miller Mig welder 211 is the predecessor to what you are looking at and it has served me well. If I had to pic between the two you have I would take the Esab all though I might up grade to the 235. Here is the thing DC tig only gets you steel and not aluminum which is a deal breaker for me. if you were going to stick with a multi process machine look at one of these as well. https://www.everlastgenerators.com/product/mig/power-mts-252-sti-tig-package
  12. If you read the article the woman in question does not want this to be in the spot light. So the simple fix is a paternity test for young Biden and go from there. Now Hunter's involvement in the Ukraine is another story.
  13. You can't be in the party of Clinton's and complain about where the bar is set. And I am not even going to push about Edwards.
  14. A 700+ hp Mustang should make for some good YouTube videos.
  15. Well her policies are one implausible dream after another. Each week of her on the campaign trail brings us more unfunded freebies that could not get the time of day when the Dems ran the house, Senate and White House. She has the same problem Kerry had and Dukakis they don't connect with voters. And by voters I mean swing voters as 30% are going to pull the Dem lever no matter who is at the top of the ticket.
  16. It's is nearly impossible to wipe the elitist off of a Boston politician and make no mistake she has been in bean town for decades. The prairie girl you speak of is long since gone.
  17. Stick your lower jaw out and roll your bottom lip and say it with me.........Haaaarrvaaard.
  18. How many times do the Democrats have to lose with a candidate from Massachusetts before they understand elitists don't sell well in the rest of the country.
  19. The parties base is far to radicalized for her to get any traction.
  20. Natural delivery? Look do me a solid and just tell me what strain on weed you are smoking I am sure I can find some locally.
  21. So how many thousands show up to the rally last night? Mean while Warren is out in Iowa and most of he rallies could be held in a phone booth but she is supposed to be ahead of Trump in the polls? Seems legit.
  22. Warren lies every single day on the campaign trail. Have you listened to her long list of give aways that she knows will never see the light of day?
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