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Everything posted by spin_dry

  1. putin understands that he doesn't stand a chance against the cunt.
  2. what happened to the painter's drone?
  3. trump says he respects and loves women.
  4. pense looks like a fucking corpse. can't really blame him considering the state he crawled out of.
  5. ryan acts like this came as a surprise to him. only the firmly deluded, christian evangelicals actually believe that trump is what he says he is.
  6. how many people have been murdered in the name of this Moloch? Christ?
  7. i bet you're pretty fucking good at frisbee.
  8. can we have bush back? two unfinished wars and an american economy that's sucking the world to hell? obama is looking pretty fucking good.
  9. NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Republicans on Friday expressed bafflement that President Obama had garnered a record-high second-term approval rating despite having turned the United States into an economically devastated, crime-ridden hellhole. Appearing on “Fox & Friends,” the Trump surrogate Rudolph Giuliani said he was “dumbfounded” by the disconnect between Obama’s high approval rating and the President’s near-total dismemberment of a formerly strong nation. “This country used to be a wonderful place to live,” the former New York mayor said. “Today, all you see is a hellscape of smoldering ruins.” Giuliani blamed the mainstream media for not properly informing the American people about the destruction and havoc Obama has wrought since his first day in office. “We have an unemployment rate of forty per cent and a murder rate of fifty per cent,” he said. "We are losing a million jobs a day to China and hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees are swarming over our border with Mexico. Those are the facts." He also questioned the methodology used to determine the President’s approval rating. “These pollsters are just talking to people who are still alive,” he said. “They’re not talking to all of the people who have been killed.” Having witnessed their President transform a once-great country into a dystopian nightmare unfit for human habitation, the American people’s decision to give Obama a record-high approval rating filled Giuliani with bewilderment. “Maybe they approve of the job he did founding ISIS,” he said. https://www.google.com/amp/www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/obama-hits-record-high-approval-rating-despite-turning-country-into-jobless-crime-ridden-hellhole/amp
  10. a champion douche gets Dexter'd by the ultimate, politically savvy cunt. fucking awesome!!!
  11. does the group have any early 20some year old girls in their membership rank? if so, how do i join?
  12. He's done. It's over. I almost feel sorry for republicans.
  13. The president leads a nation to war. Duh.
  14. Soros was virtually a political unknown until he called out Bush on the illegitimate war in Iraq. Bravo to Mr Soros.
  15. You always get the inside scoop. Impressive.
  16. He knew exactly what he was saying. The best anti-Trump propaganda that Hillary will use in ads are of the man himself. This just gets worse everyday. Lol
  17. How many more high profile republicans are going to jump ship? This is getting good.
  18. Hillary is going to win by an even larger margin than what the polls indicate. Just like Obama did with Romney. The polling in 2012 grossly underrepresented minorities. The same thing is happening now. Hillary is going fuck trump up his billionaire ass. I can't fucking wait to come back and rub shit in your faces when it happens. Lol
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