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Everything posted by Voodoo

  1. On Sundays I elude the eyes... Can hear the tune in my head whenever one of these hair brained ideas come up.. We've still got the wife's 87 RG250 . Can't wait to put it's smokey ass back together and roll thru town..
  2. My uncle has a country place, that no one knows about......
  3. It appears to be asphalt, not concrete.....
  4. Completely different emission standard. Probably a catalytic converter of some type or other methods to reduce nox and particulate. I'm keeping my 2008 as long as I can. No emissions bs.
  5. A fool and his money... Some here were foolish enough to vote the Dope...and have watched their money disappear as well. Don't forget their kids money.
  6. How will they hold it in those little hands? What about the aborted babies, they have rights too!!..or not.... Do they need me to store it? Promise I'll take care of it.
  7. Our Dope and his minions have honed their new deflect and avoid talking point in the last day or so. The compare our conservative party to the MAGA movement and Trump. When you can't defend your own policies, attack the other guy and his...no matter if it's just lies and rhetoric.
  8. Leave that to parents IMO. It is a difficult position for sure, but I side with the parents have the final say.
  9. It does not makes the rest of her points inert. She's correct on many things. Imagine if someone at the end of her time stood up and called her MAGA. I'd call that stupid too,
  10. I was with her, to the point she brought up The great gazoo in the sky. Why wreck a good point with fairy tales? It's a dog whistle for dummies.
  11. Tie goes to the runner, so whomever brings it up first. Used to be "Get it first, but first get it right". When every twat with a keyboard can be a "journalist", those rules died years ago. See "Alex Jones" for reference. I miss the good old days when there was little spin and you just got the facts.
  12. Not at all, for me anyway. Jones is just a miserable lowlife cocksucker that preyed on the weak minded, acquiring wealth by subterfuge that puts Pfizer to shame. Kid rock is hardly a brainiac. His music while not my taste is admired by many, but I do agree with much of his politics. Delivery counts in my books, and his delivery is again not to my taste. It does however work for his base...
  13. The scammers get the activation code off the card, then recover it and put it back on the shelf, or similar. They keep checking to see if it's active. Been going on a while., Better to buy the "card" online.
  14. A retard and his money are soon parted. The less the world hears from Alex Jones the better. What he puts those parents through is beyond words. Burning him at the stake is too good for him IMO.
  15. It may be a bargain, I don't personally see that. One must consider the to ability maintain the shadow boycott, of Disney by the family values crowd, and managements seeming damn the torpedos attitude at wokeness.' Been a miserable ROI on most of their movies lately, but it's been around a long time and there is much goodwill in the brand. Anheuser is similar.
  16. Add Ontario to that list. Van body trailers are particularly bad. Get parked at a dock for long enough to melt the snow, pool on the roof....then it turns into a block of ice.
  17. It has lost a considerable bit of value. Boycotts seem to work in the internet age. The right doesn't seem to rally to Elon, similar to the pole smokers reaction to Budweiser. I eagerly await the collapse of Disney. May it come swiftly.
  18. That is fucking hilarious..
  19. WTF? However, it was explained in the meme thread...
  20. Wonder what the golden handshake and the heartwarming "atta girl, thanks for taking one for the team" when on in the back rooms? Millions I'd wager. Whish all I had to do was call an identifiable group some bad names and call them cunts.... I'd be a rich man.
  21. These votes mean absolutely nothing. It's a bunch of taxpayer funded nogoodniks bickering. Pretty sure more harm than good comes from it.
  22. Perhaps they should choose a different name, given the drubbing "vaccine" has received in recent years.
  23. That might change the molecular properties of the sand… Sand may be better, without the nuclear option. Humans have been killing each other because religion for millennia. We’re just better at it, and we’ve gotten better at spreading it. i live in my little world, arm and defend, thanks to my training. Protect me and mine, understanding it may not be enough. We’ve tried pushing our way of life many times. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, just to name a few… Kiss your kids good night, hump your wife. Got a finite time on this planet. Most of what you do will be meaningless.
  24. Sand is trading at all time global highs. Them goat fuckers free dive down and scoop it up off the bottoms of rivers. There are sand fucker cartels. Anyone know the quality of the sand for concrete and asphalt? Might be worth buying once the local vermin are evicted and or euthanized.
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