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Everything posted by irv

  1. Just a heads up, Viper, if you're going to watch it, and I highly suggest you do, be aware when it is about 3/4's the way through, they show a couple scenes that will definitely be upsetting to little/young kids if you have them? Same near the end with the orangutans. Also, be sure to watch right through the credits to the very end as there as some clips pieced throughout those that you'll also find interesting.
  2. A lot of people think the same way about him, and maybe rightfully so, but I look at him as once being a global warming fear monger god who was at least willing to listen to the other side for a change. Most, as you likely know, are so cemented in their beliefs that that rarely happens. It is a good watch, trust me. You will see for yourself, like I mentioned, there isn't anything "green" about this movement whatsoever, especially when you see that it is the opposite that is actually happening.
  3. Huge areas of forest destroyed to make way for 7 wind farms https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2018/01/02/huge-areas-of-forest-destroyed-to-make-way-for-7-wind-farms/ Scorched Earth Policy: Entire Forests Being Clear-Felled To Make Way For Mega-Wind Turbines. https://stopthesethings.com/2020/02/29/scorched-earth-policy-entire-forests-being-clear-felled-to-make-way-for-mega-wind-turbines/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/04/01/georgetowns-green-plan-destroy-forest-solar-farm-is-met-with-resistance/ https://slate.com/technology/2016/06/going-solar-isnt-green-if-you-cut-down-tons-of-trees.html 14 million trees have been cut down in Scotland to make way for wind farms https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/18270734.14m-trees-cut-scotland-make-way-wind-farms/
  4. At what cost??? I'm not either but when they are completely razing carbon absorbing/oxygen producing forests, without speaking of the wildlife habitats they are destroying, I get a little angry. If you haven't yet, watch Planet of Humans if you think this "green energy" movement is all about saving the planet. The only thing "green" about it is the "green" these crooks are putting in their pockets. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/wind-and-solar-power-the-myth-of-green-energy
  5. They lumped it all in alluding that Nuclear also produces greenhouse gases. Wind turbines generated more than 2,000 gigawatt-hours of electricity in the U.S. on Tuesday, March 29, more than was provided by nuclear and coal power plants that day. Wind power, which is renewable and does not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, still trailed the electricity produced by natural gas, but it was the first time in U.S. history that wind turbines outperformed nuclear and coal power. This "green energy" climate change/global warming scam is just that, a scam. I worked in Nuclear 36 yrs so I've heard my share of doom and gloom and other B.S. stories over the years and this is just another one. Thankfully, like I linked above, many places, despite how they slammed Nuclear every chance they could, have now seen the light. Billions and billions were wasted, however, unnecessarily on their anti-nuclear movement.
  6. One windy day, if true. BFD. What happens when the wind doesn't blow or blows as strong as it did this one day? My gut tells me, because it is from Yahoo News, it is just likely more fake news/propaganda. Nuclear power, despite what your article reads, does not release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. That is fake news. Nuclear power plants produce no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and over the course of its life-cycle, nuclear produces about the same amount of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions per unit of electricity as wind, and one-third of the emissions per unit of electricity when compared with solar. UK to build 8 nuclear reactors amid new energy strategy. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-build-nuclear-reactors-amid-energy-strategy-83928424 https://stopthesethings.com/2020/03/16/the-great-wind-delusion-why-wind-power-is-worse-than-useless/ https://www.city-journal.org/wind-power-is-not-the-answer
  7. GET YOU BOOSTER, GODDAMMIT!!!!!!! Just came back from getting my hair cut and was told by the lady doing it, about an hour before I arrived, a 22 yr old young man told her he got myocarditis after the first shot of Pfizer and was hospitalized because of it. He was informed by doctor's and other medical professionals NOT TO get his second shot, as, due to the myocarditis, he now has a heart of a 60-70 yr old. https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153220
  8. And even crazier numbers today. Again, where are numbers in the totally unvaccinated???? Nah, nothing to see here. They wouldn't purposely try and hide those numbers or anything, would they? 2,418 cases in the fully vaxxed with a booster. And some still think these vaccines are the cats ass and herd immunity is just around the corner. https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153220
  9. What guys are those, or are you afraid to name names because the biggest contributor to slamming new members is friends with the site owner?
  10. Your words from above: "Try fucking relaxing and enjoy some conversation here." What exactly were they doing that was so different than this that upset you so much??? Again, this is the "Current Events" section. Maybe move all the Russia/Ukraine posts to a new section like you did covid? What do you suggest we should talk about in here? Celebrities, vacations, cars, trucks, and buses or that the sky was blue today?
  11. I posted these in the Ontario section the last few days. They clearly show a significant difference in the fully vaxxed with a booster compared with those partially and fully vaxxed. It has been quite a while now that they haven't shown any numbers in those unvaccinated. I wonder why that is??? https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153103 https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153157 https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/152700 https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/152786 https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/152855 https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/152990
  12. Still can't come up with a reasonable explanation why you acted the way you did, and continue to, the other night? Each to their own, but I'm just trying to piece things together here so I can understand this a little better. Just curious, again, do you feel less than adequate as a man and think you should receive worship because you're a mod here? Respect is earned not given. Does it empower you, make you feel superior, all manly if you can put people down by constantly reminding them of their past? That's the sign of a coward, a weakling and someone who needs some professional help. Your words: "Frankie isn't a kid anymore, sorry. He can look after himself as he has soooo many times in Court!!! Do you think your behavior is attracting members to join this site and to help retain them? Do you think childish back and forth behavior with other members here is what attracts people to join? Do you think that people think you're all that and then some? Simple question, again, what was it about those posts the other night, from Snake, Ace, Analer and Ben that sent you over the edge? They were basically just conversing with each other, discussing the topic at hand, until you decided to interject with your nonsensical replies, then proceeded to lose it on them?
  13. Nice gibberish non-reply, but in all honesty, I didn't expect much intellectually from you anyways.
  14. Uhm, I'm guessing Klaus Schwab and the rest of the WEF idiots. The science is settled after all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Economic_Forum#:~:text=The managing board is chaired,Saadia Zahidi%2C and Alois Zwinggi.
  15. Another tremendous day showing us how well these vaccines, especially with a booster, work. Again, where are the numbers for those that are unvaccinated???? https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153157
  16. So what is it that you're trying to achieve here??? You interjected yourself into this thread by your own doing then go off on some tirade none of us understand? It is the Current events section, after all, and I'm pretty sure the Russian/Ukraine conflict is about as current as it gets, so what is it that got you so upset and continues to do so? I could understand if you were drunk or high AF the other night but to continue on with this is confusing? Like I mentioned before, if you don't like a thread/topic, stay TF away from it. It's that's simple. Put people on ignore, whatever you need to do but to continue on like you currently are is not helping this site one bit.
  17. irv

    Meme thread

    Exactly, Skidooski...
  18. Get boosted!!! https://www.durhamradionews.com/archives/153103 Again, I wonder why they no longer list the number of cases in the unvaccinated? Why don't they want to show us that number????
  19. Another one who believes the evening news. If you haven't figured it out yet that most MSM outlets are funded by the liberal/democratic gov't or other Liberal/Dem entities, then you likely never will. The minute they, MSM, started propping up Zelinskyy as some divine innocent individual, I knew we were not being told the truth. I don't necessarily side with Russia but the more I read and educate myself about the whole situation over there, the more I realize the lies have never stopped coming from MSM.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/nielsen.camilla.37/videos/721664542610407/
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