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Everything posted by SkisNH

  1. SkisNH


    Flat rate...the progressive tax rate is a marxist idea. 12.6% of a million is still a lot more than 12.5% of 60k
  2. SkisNH


    please enlighten me, because I must not be a bright as you. How do I avoid "legally" not paying income tax. Yes, I can depreciate assets, yes I can expense stuff, but at the end of the day I get fucked.
  3. SkisNH


    The rich pay...believe me, they pay. If someone is in the top 1% making 600k they pay about 150k in federal income tax (using your numbers)...
  4. SkisNH


    I could go through point by point on where this is just marxist propaganda but neither of us would change our minds...So I will address just (1) point for you to consider. In the link it calls for the capital gains rate to be the same as the income tax rate...The problem is. Money that goes into the stock market has already been taxed at the ordinary income rate. Only the GAINS are taxed at capital gains. The Market and the power of compounding interest has created nest eggs for every generation and raising the capital gains will only hurt investment and retirement. Revenue to the Treasury has gone UP every time the capital gains rate has been lowered due to increased investment. Where I due agree is that if you hold a series 6 or 7 license for investing those Personal gains should be taxed as income / but not for the typical individual
  5. SkisNH


    I like the Idea of either the fair tax http://www.fairtax.org or a flat tax...No deduction, no bullshit everyone pays 12.5% of their pay. The rich people will still largely fund the system but at least the recipient class will have some skin in the game.
  6. SkisNH


    24.7% of 2 million is a heck of a lot more than 19.3% of 75k... Will show who pays what percentage of tax burden
  7. SkisNH


    Well who does then...the top 10% pay 85% of all the taxes. Or do you believe that the government pays for all that... Question, where does the govt get its money.
  8. SkisNH


    It isn't bullshit...who do you think funds all of those ebt cards, wic checks, section 8 housing, subsidized daycare, subsidized health care, Pell grants, covid stimulus checks, Obama phones and the list goes on... it is a true fact that the people that fund they system have no access to it.
  9. SkisNH


    Ah another angry little Marxist...I hate to tell you but the rich got richer during covid. Maybe if you focused on creating wealth for yourself, you would be less worried with what someone else has.
  10. SkisNH


    50% of people pay no tax at all and many have a negitive tax rate. Conversely, the top 10% pay 85% of all of the income tax. Go fuck your victim mentality.
  11. Any thing with a track other than my 900 fusion...I was stuck with that sled for 3 years. It handled pretty well, but it went through belts, motor mount, secondary, stator....etc... As I recall I was listing after Rev's at the time.
  12. It's almost like Kalifornia and it's travel bans...oh wait, those are fucktards you agree with.
  13. Sorry I won't hijack your thread...what's your concern? Make sure the motor is trimmed up, plugs in, rope is tied to the boat and have at it. Trailer depth is a big part of it...learn where your boat is unweighted and not quite floating
  14. Posted against me? Hahaha you are a narcissistic mother f#$%er
  15. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
  16. Hit a nerve? Do you really expect me to take life advice from a guy that can't complete one sentence?
  17. I've seen the series...if the shoe fits 😁
  18. How many weren't sick when they got covid? Or had a mild illness? How many required hospitalizations? How many of them died? What was the median age of those that died? What were the health issues of those that died? What about the individuals whom already had covid, should they be required to get the vaccine? Are they not already immune?
  19. I had them on my 18 assault...on hard packed snow there was little difference. Where they shined was when the soft snow was pushed to the outside of the corners...they would hookup, as opposed to pushing. Also, the obvious flotation advantage on fire roads and off trail.
  20. Covid was clearly something my body had never seen. While It wasn't terrible, I would prefer not to get it again. I had body aches like you wouldn't believe. The lost of smell and taste was terrible..eating was a chore as everything sucked. My scene of smell came back but I had fantom smells, especially at night when relaxing (thought I smelled smoke all the time)....had to check the house, the mechanical room, the laundry room...always thought the house was going to burn down...thank God that ended.
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