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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by SkisNH

  1. You are a racist, and that was freaking disgusting
  2. Hey Comrade, there is a difference between a hand up and a hand out. You likely lacked a quality male role model in your life...but I'm sure at some point someone said ‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ people need to work...if you work magically you are no longer poor.
  3. Single motherhood is the most common indicator or poverty.. if we could keep one generation from abandoning their children or keeping their legs closed we could almost eliminate poverty.
  4. Europe, Canada and Australia had spent blood and treasure there... but you knew that.
  5. New Orleans was below sea level before AGW was even a thing...it was stupid to settle there and keep rebuilding it. Only due to technological advances has growth there been possible. We pump millions of gallons back to the sea continuously.
  6. Haha....Biden basically did the opposite of Trump on everything from the border to the Paris accord...yet couldn't even manage to evaluate the conditions on the ground... What a fucking pussy you are to believe otherwise.
  7. You weak mother fucker...you see this as a win? We left 100's of billions in equipment, abandoned our allies whom also spent there blood and treasure. Spit in the face of every soldier that served. Allowed Woman to be burned in the streets....and you think it's neat that they let us use the airport. Go fuck Janet Mills you moron.
  8. its friggn gross...My Brother In-law owns a landscaping business in PA. One of his guys (ex guy) The whole family of (4) didn't work for 15 month during covid. They all got Stimulus Checks, extended unemployment, Food Stamps, Rent forgiveness...Gross
  9. Economic freedom...middle of the road. Sad but true.
  10. Following? I think you may has over estimated your importance. You are just a guy with a keyboard like the rest of us. If you believe that the banter here changes ones mind or point of view you're crazy. This shit is a 2 min distraction from the day.
  11. Agreed the USA can either have a robust and free flowing immigration system..OR..a financial safety net that transfers wealth from the producing class to the recipient. We can not have both and survive.
  12. You are officially the dumbest mother fucker on the internet...congrats you won a 🏆
  13. Obviously we feed hungry kids...but do we feed all kids? Do we means test individuals? Do we Check to see if other agencies aren't duplicating the efforts such as WIC. Should the recipient have to submit any information on how their family income is spent, I mean if Mom & Dad both have new(ish) vehicles financed would it be fair to have them make better choices...Do they get to have a $250.00 cable bill while we pay for the kids lunch. OR as usual "ALL HAIL THE RECIPIENT CLASS"
  14. And they stomped their feet and cried poverty over 3 billion for a boarder wall...
  15. It used to be an adventure to get to the trains...now they practically groom the trail to chamberlain lake. The best place to start from in my opinion is shin pond. Go shin pond to libby camps, across eagle lake...follow the signs to chamberlain...go north on chamberlain and on the east shore (top of the lake) you will find the trains. BTW Lunch and Libby camps on the way back is always good.
  16. A B52 Bomber and 2 Locomotives (its a Maine thing)
  17. It should please everyone supporting the only western style democracy in the M.E. The alternative is to support Fascist dictatorships? I believe you support mask mandates and vaccine passports...so Fascist it is.
  18. It is...natural immunity is much stronger than the vax. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/dr-makary-says-natural-immunity-is-more-effective-then-vaccine-immunity/ar-AAMX3sM
  19. Well it looks like it was about half of what the CDC reported...I'm sure it was just a mistake and not purposeful.
  20. Did you know that you are 6x more likely to get the Delta variant being vaccinated than if you have natural immunity. Maybe younger health people should have gone for herd immunity.
  21. Well fucktard dumped 1.2 million illegals 2/3rds unvaccinated into the state.
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