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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Wildboer

  1. Stop going full retard Zam, you're never supposed to go full retard. I'm 31, I'm not worried about the virus or the vaccine personally, I took the jabs because it's the only thing I can actually do to slow the spread of this shit amongst you retards.
  2. Of course you're not, it's unethical to throw someone in prison just because they're retarded. I'm just saying it'd be nice to ignore ethics and lock people like you up for being too dumb. I'm not a big fan of the booster shots because I think the vaccine they're using for boosters should be going to poor countries that haven't gotten a full first round of vaccinations yet. Unfortunately so many smooth brained schmucks have refused to get vaccinated that I just said fuck it and got a 3rd one just so I could be a even firmer ground when I tell people who are scared to get vaccinated that they're fucking pussies. Buggery? What are we in a 19th century British colony or something?
  3. It sure is, because you belong in one. I'd pay to watch you two become cellmates in a world where all the retards get sent to jail.
  4. It's definitely one of those HBO shows that gets bizarre and dark, but and the characters and story are super compelling. The premise of the show is fitting for the times too, it's not about a pandemic, but it's a doomsday kinda thing with so many parallels to our current situation.
  5. I'm in the middle of rewatching The Leftovers and The Sopranos because I just signed up for HBO Max, The Leftovers is so fucking good.
  6. I've barely been on here in the past 4 months or so and I still know damn well there's plenty of anti-(covid)vaxxers. Also, unless you've found help for your addiction since I was last around, you definitely spend enough time on here every day to know every active users stance on the vaccine.
  7. What is the value of US currency based on though?
  8. What backs any modern currency other than trust? All money is fake nowadays. Doge is good for messing around, bitcoin and ethereum are good for holding. The fundamentals behind it all are pretty much just basic currency speculation.
  9. The Garden State Parkway is a weird highway, no one likes it but for some reason we never change it. Not sure about the sand bars, I've never been out on a boat that far south, most of my sailing experience has been in Sandy Hook Bay and the lower Hudson.
  10. Mine still showed me as a CM when I was overdue, so I don't think so.
  11. I just paid up, pretty sure I was a while overdue so I threw some interest on top.
  12. Nah dude. Some people, like you, were born straight up retarded. Apparently there's nothing that can be done to overcome this form of chronic stupidity. My condolences.
  13. CBD is worth a shot for sure, it's a solid herbal anti-inflammatory. Life's aches and pains tend to respond much better to a mix of CBD and THC though. Agreed, the only hemp product worth buying at a gas station is delta-8
  14. You're a dumb cunt Snake. You're an intelligent guy, but holy shit are you a dumb cunt. he could have died an hour later, he could have lived for years... But the thought he would have died when he did without the police brutality is just fucking naive. True, one of the jurors minds is probably as malleable as yours. Which is the worst part about a jury of "peers"
  15. Floyd said, "I ain't do no drugs." and the defense played a shitty audio clip in attempt to twist that into, "I ate too many drugs." Except he obviously wouldn't have died if no one had physically impeded his ability to breathe for over 9 minutes.
  16. Pass me whatever you're smoking man. An S corporation doesn't pay income tax, that's basically the whole point in an S corp, the shareholders pay tax on the income instead.
  17. Yeah yeah yeah, it gave organizations the same rights as individuals, it didn't actually deem them individuals. The whole thing is tenuous, including equating money and speech. It was an activist decision from the so-called originalists. You have a corporation, by definition it is a separate entity from you as a person.
  18. I never said they were. "I am a corporation" is the most ridiculous way to view having an s corp. Unions definitely aren't individuals either, they're an organization comprised of individuals, just like a corporation.
  19. Corporations aren't individuals,, simple as that buddy.
  20. Citizens United was a fucking trash decision by the court.
  21. The opioid study clearly states "White, non-hispanic" ...which constitutes 60% of the overall population. You're the one slicing it up different to try and make it seem like whites overdose less often per capita.
  22. Non-Hispanic whites make up 60% of the total population, according to that data they account for 70% of all opioid overdose deaths... You have trouble with numbers or something?
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