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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Zeusand

  1. I can't wait for all the theories on this...
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/kanye-west-tweets-running-for-president-2020
  3. I have a Escort 9500ix, works awesome. It has GPS and eliminates most false alarms. For local and city driving around here it's fine but on the highway they use laser, I have the Blinder hp-905. If they're shooting laser and you only have a radar detector you are getting a ticket. Radar detectors will warn you that you're getting hit by laser but at that point it's too late the cops already have your speed.
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/us-postal-service-could-shut-down-by-june-lawmakers-warn/ar-BB128O5w 🤤🤤
  5. Did they get their sense of taste and smell back completely? I've read different reports some say yes, some no and some partly.
  6. I totally agree! I know they're concerned about the economy but they should have done this two or three weeks ago. WTF!!
  7. I agree, they definitely shouldn't be gathering around the ship coming in or anything for that matter. It's a whole nother World down there , a lot of these people live in 500 square foot Apartments and the only way out is the front door to the supermarket, Pharmacy or wherever and it's not easy dodging people on the sidewalk.
  8. You can't be too careful , you're doing the right thing. My mom's 79 year old husband fucking forgets half of everything but keeps going to the supermarket and I keep telling her to go with the mask that I've given her or I'll go but she's like he's careful...he's careful, he can't even remember what the hell he's going there for. Pisses me off!!!!
  9. Sorry to hear that, one of my customers has lost all sense of smell and taste. He knows he has it but waiting for the test results to confirm.
  10. There's dumbfuck's everywhere, please don't stereotype, your better than that.
  11. MC OWNED MC OWNED MC OWNED MC OWNED MC OWNED See you in November dumbass
  12. So sad but true. One thing we should stop for sure is them making 90% of our antibiotics and pharmaceuticals. It's been said that if they stop exporting antibiotics for any reason, millions would die here... without any conventional weapon.
  13. I went to Wells Fargo yesterday to pick up some documents for my accountant and the banker brought it outside and I popped my trunk and he put it in there.
  14. Not being political here , I just don't understand why this was not done for two or three weeks already. I live 50 miles from NYC. I understand the repercussions the economy not being good, but they should have done it two or three weeks ago, I think we would have been better off today. But I'm no expert... what do I know?
  15. It's called the naval end. Which has a lot more fat than the flat cut. The flat cut is much leaner but the tastiest pastrami has a lot of fat in it and they carve away most of the fat before they put it on your sandwich. Which isn't always easy as I've had sandwiches there with pieces that I couldn't even chew and how to spit out. There are a few other delis in NYC that make it equally as well but Katz is the most well-known for sure. By the way they recently raised the price to $19.95 and if you want swiss cheese on it... Another $2.50 LOL. It's literally almost one pound of pastrami per sandwich. I used to be able to eat the whole thing no problem but at the age of 56 I found that eating the whole thing puts me in a pastrami coma for hours...
  16. I've been to Katz 20 times or more, they steam the pastrami for four hours to get it to be super tender. And they don't use flat.
  17. I may be mistaken, but I heard it's about 18/1 So maybe half a gallon??
  18. Any solutions other than Point, blame, cut and paste?
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