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Everything posted by Plissken

  1. Is the front tire on the green one mounted backwards? Looks like it would channel water towards the center of the tread but not sure.
  2. You’re thinking about only a particular type of venture. The fed or state contract preferences don’t really help if for instance if your business venture is a tech startup. Needing to trademark and protect intellectual property? Needing to not be taken advantage of by angel/seed investors? Licensing agreements? I guess you can try without professional legal gurus backing you but it’s generally not considered wise.
  3. Justin Kruger was still a graduate student in 1999 when he and Mr. Dunning published their landmark study.
  4. The lawyers probably agreed to accept payment as a percentage of the winnings. Paying up front for would be entrepreneurs is obviously going to, broadly speaking, be more difficult for black Americans due to the racial wealth gap.
  5. An Italian businessman brought it back to Europe after scoring a major deal on fortune cookies which is ironic because it spelled such terrible fortune for millions. God has a pretty good sense of humor.
  6. Look at what happened to toilet paper. People panic bought it and then the shelves were empty. You’d be mad at him for causing similar with masks if he told everyone from the word go to wear them. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
  7. Trump didn’t replenish the national mask stockpile. So we needed them reserved for essential healthcare workers. Not for people boarded up in their homes in Michigan. Fauci wins again
  8. It’s a choice between love of country and selfish pessimism. This is our chance to step up, greatness beckons.
  9. The more it spreads and stays in circulation the more chances it has to mutate.
  10. We should take up a collection, I’m sure the ballers here can scrape together 14K to get the XL back on track.
  11. Studies have been finding evidence that it’s actually the staff members who have introduced COVID into nursing homes. And probably the flu too. It’s time to re-think and improve nursing home care. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/10/26/927841874/they-work-in-several-nursing-homes-to-eke-out-a-living-and-that-spreads-the-viru
  12. I think it’s more an indictment of our for profit nursing home care facilities, either lack of regulations or corrupt ness. If anyone thought they were run like well oiled machines, properly staffed, and prioritized people over profit I don’t know what to tell you. One nursing home in Florida allowed a resident to be eaten by an alligator. It would be cool if someone came out with a plan to help some nursing home patients receive greater access to in home care so they can stay (more) independent for longer and not in close proximity to so many others. Oh, look! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/04/09/985567929/whats-in-bidens-400-billion-plan-to-support-families-long-term-health-needs
  13. Where do you want to send old people who are sick and require regular nursing assistance as a part of their way of life? Can they come stay with you?
  14. Why do they bitch the loudest about their tax dollars going to help people then? I wonder if that IRS data perhaps isn’t the best yard stick, like maybe charitable donations only show up at all if you itemize. Are we missing the data from the 90% of filers who claim the standard deduction?
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