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Everything posted by Tinker

  1. https://globalnews.ca/news/4049900/trudeau-omar-khadr-lawyer-john-norris-justice/ Really Fail...
  2. And while the Lying Liberals preach and promise to make "the rich" pay more to pander the middle class vote, they don't. That's not the problem anyway, simply spending exponentially more than the tax base both provincially and federally with complete disregard for debt and deficit is criminal. That fucking idiot actor/teacher/costume queen can't even speak let alone add or negotiate nor does he feel any responsibility to represent or respect the Canadian Tax payer. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-high-income-earners-paid-46-billion-less-in-taxes-in-2016-despite/
  3. WTF... Huh ? Did you forget to use "sarcastica" font ? Tax is good for business and the consumer ?? Really ???
  4. Hats off to that Trump fella... Freedom cars are getting better every year
  5. Yeah like never working and never earning any money and resorting to crime and a gang life to steal from people how do.... Or a corrupt bleeding heart government who insist on a socialist perspective to get votes and take and continue to take more from those that do. Money is the problem, there's too much of it. Welfare should be regressive, 10% less every year until you get a fuckin job. 50% less for every kid you have while not being able to support yourself, let alone the child you bring into the world, and again 10% less every year until you get a job. Let me know when you're going to Driftwood to give away your after tax money and free hugs... my fucking taxes are already on their way there.
  6. That's L/100km... = 26.7 Freedom MPG My 14 Hemi Ram with 163,000 miles on it runs 22 to 16 MPG
  7. Shoulder shrug and "I'm not one of those people who said that" What a self absorbed ignorant spineless POS. Maybe next he'll dress up like Shaggy and sing Wasn't Me... Hey he's only down one vote unless the Syrian killer can vote from jail.... errr the nice hotel he gets put up in. Makes me ill
  8. And you're actually serious... Holy Fuck Dude, drop the bong, hop on a bus a get a fuckin job before your Mom takes your computer time away
  9. Laughing stock of the world and your employment numbers are your typical dilusion https://globalnews.ca/news/4433228/canadian-economy-lost-jobs-august-statistics-canada/
  10. Yes, the budget included a deficit...
  11. Back it up... You want Non Violent gang leaders ?? Yeeeeaahhh. Spanky, Alfalfa and Buckwheat gonna rule the streets Bro
  12. Holy fuckin delusional... or hilarious I'm not sure
  13. Totally incorrect and HTF could any study have a shred of truth behind it with those surveyed. I'm not opposed to anyone having any either. My objection is that it is going to be legal, prescribed and available. Employers (that create taxpayers) are going to be stuck with employees on pot that is undetectable and unenforceable until there's an incident or accident.
  14. LOL, I don't have guys that do "chores around a house" But I have a few that that's all they should do
  15. Man for just one day you need to expose yourself to lies and deception that go on in the workplace to cover up working and driving stoned. And it has nothing to do with being arrested or caught carrying, it's just plain deception to fuck around and getting paid being stoned. Meanwhile as an employer you are 100% liable for their safety and actions. You're drunk or smell of booze... go home. Stoned ? First you gotta have proof when they smoked, then there has to be a fucking incident and now I'm gonna have to listen to the entire crock of shit that the employee is entitled to be a total fuck up because he's on POT. This is fn retarded.
  16. I wasn't around in 1920 but I am still constantly trying to hire skilled intelligent honest employees in 2018, free reign to be stoned is not an option. You are correct about the costs though, too bad the fines should be a profitable amount... I get a chuckle out of Refer Madness and Lighten Up or the pothead philosophy that it's No Big Deal... hey it's even a good thing now right ?? Of course it's everyone else, of course it's no big deal, of course it helps you chill, of course this is the best pizza ever... You're fucking stoned !!! No one, not 1 single person is the same when they're stoned. It's no different than being on a job untrained, unskilled and unsafe.
  17. The worst thing to ever happen to every sector of every employer in this country. Just where are the hard working focussed tax payers going to come from to provide the luxury of not working and staying home to get stoned for those now legally on drugs. Fuck me this is pathetic.
  18. Have no fear, Trudeau the Tyrannical is at the helm. I swear he was 2 seconds from singing Skidamarinkeedink or I Love You... You Love Me
  19. It's purely CTV's speculation that Harper is blindsiding Trubinder. The article clearly states that Harper has not contacted Trudeau's office and Harper also did not reach out to the Canadian embassy in D.C., Global Affairs Canada, or the Privy Council Office. Purely a personal visit from a professional politician that won't act like he's on stage with Barney.
  20. We should give our guns to sheep... look at all the protective hide that was viciously cut off innocent sheep that are kept in captivity.
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