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Everything posted by 02sled

  1. 02sled

    Sled Show

    Very true... and you're not allowed to bring it in yourself.... at least we couldn't for the conference in Vegas. Against union rules. I don't remember what it was for an extra chair but it was over $100 for the duration.
  2. 02sled

    Sled Show

    I was in a corporate booth a few years ago in Las Vegas as part of a conference. The booth space was $18K for 3 days. They supplied 1 table, a back curtain and 1 chair.
  3. 02sled

    Sled Show

    It seemed a bit smaller than in the past. The parking lot seemed to have a lot more empty spaces when I was leaving around dinner time Friday than usual as well. I think moving the outdoor events indoors took up a lot of space that was otherwise occupied by vendors in past years. There were a number of vendors I'm used to seeing that were conspicuously absent. After leaving the show I was considering if it will be worth going next year.... shocked myself when I thought that. One of the main reasons I go is to collect all the maps. D 7/8/10.... no maps on Friday. D 10 none last year on the Friday either and those are the maps I use the most. If there is something in particular I need I will likely go. Otherwise I may pass on it.
  4. She admits to laying down on Trudopes office floor. https://business.financialpost.com/news/economy/foreign-affairs-minister-laid-down-in-pms-office-after-usmca-was-inked What a class act eh!
  5. You want something you EARN IT. What a novel idea.
  6. Do you really have to ask? I see you're smoking heavy duty today... she is a pathetic negotiator. Sad that she is what Canada had as a negotiator. Tears go over real well when talking international trade.
  7. That's $6K per month. I believe we are less per month for all of our expenses. We owe nothing and pay all bills in full when they come in. We lead what I would call a very comfortable lifestyle.
  8. If we do it right when the last of either my wife or I pass there will be nothing left. We will have spent it all before we go and enjoyed doing it. Our retirement plans include my pension income plus our investments and a reverse mortgage on our house at some point. We planned for it, worked for it and sure as heck are going to enjoy it. I don't feel sorry for those that live beyond their means and don't plan for their retirement. If you're retirement funds available are only $200K then that won't last very long. So you're suggesting that between 60 and 80 which is 20 years that they were able to survive on $300K. That's only $15K per year without accounting for a ROI for the $500K. If you assume that they have a ROI of 5% that would give them an additional $25K per year UNTIL THEY START ERODING THE AMOUNT INVESTED. Realistically over the 20 years that's perhaps $20K to $25K per year in total. That's below poverty. They have to pay taxes out of that as well.
  9. Teach them the things they need to be successful in life. Like math for a start. Grade 4 kids in Ontario are lagging behind counterparts in Kazakhstan, Lithuania and 25 other jurisdictions in math, putting them in the middle of the pack in a 2015 global study of math and science. Go to a store. The bill comes to $19.16. Give the person a $20. They enter $20 in the register. Then you find a quarter and give it to them. They are totally lost without any idea of what to do with it. Perhaps there should be more concern for that than sex-ed.
  10. Mine too... and the wipers.
  11. wrong as usual.... I married a good Catholic girl. Midnight Christmas eve is spent in a good Catholic church Saint Casimirs on Roncesvales.
  12. Thanks to Trumps tax cuts I'm finding myself spending an awful lot of time in the US making a ridiculous amount of money. It was only supposed to be a one time project that snowballed into so much more with numerous companies.
  13. Better not try and cross the border Fail... You're hallucinating again
  14. London England has 33 with a population of 8.7M - Los Angeles 13M with The council composed of fifteen members New York has 51 but a population of 8.5M More hallucinations from the fogged head of Fail... LA councillors are paid $184K not your imaginary $214K but what else is new. .... show me where I have ever and I mean ever called my City Councillor. Damn your imagination never slows down does it. Of course a buddy of yours would be looking for a cushy feed at the government trough.... Heck... I'd buy him a whole keg....
  15. Your stupidity continues.... calculate in the office space, the staff, the benefits, their misc. expenses. Their salary is $115K a year alone. I'd ask you to do the math but you would run out of fingers and toes. Of course it is... How many months has Doug had to fix the royal screwed up mess that Wynnebag created over the last 15 years. Once again the CEO of RBC didn't get your memo Fail telling him that he is wrong and you know better on foreign investment https://business.financialpost.com/news/economy/investment-outflow-from-canada-already-underway-in-real-time-rbc-head US economy is on fire Fail... I haven't been here much because I'm busy working for customers IN THE US who all say they are doing better than they have in years and now have money to spend on upgrades The only ones upset about the reduction of the number of councillors are the councillors about to lose their sweetheart do little jobs for $115K a year. They may actually have to work for a living. There is something fundamentally wrong with a system that would allow one appointed judge UNDER THE LIBERAL REIGN to overturn a law which is passed by the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE AGAIN... the only people upset about the reduction in councillors are the councillors who won't have a job.
  16. Fail your comprehension levels are still severely lacking. Try and I do mean try since it's really tough for you to stay on topic. You talked about THE PROVINCE BREAKING CONTRACTS in reference to cancelling a rebate incentive program to buy electric cars and Tesla suing the province. Now you flip flop to contracted services for Cap & Trade. You really can't follow the bouncing ball can you. I don't miss your stupidity. I do miss the laughs I get from you trying to convince people you have an IQ that is measurable. Only a suck on the tit of government hack like you would dismiss savings of $25M annually as nothing. Pay attention hack... the anticipated savings are a conservative estimate at $25M annually not the $12M number you pulled from thin air like so many other things that come from your imagination. Nice to know you're still batting 0.
  17. Do you have the slightest idea of what a contract is? Probably not. It was a provincially funded policy program. Not a contract with signatures between buyer and the province. The program is being discontinued simple as that. There is a deadline for delivery of dealer purchased vehicles. More stupidity from Fail. The message is that he is looking for the city to contribute proportionately to the significant additional funding the province is providing for policing. He's saving me money on my property taxes since Toronto council will cost less and he's saving me money on my natural gas bill. He's saving me money by getting rid of carbon tax. I'm glad your pockets are bottomless.
  18. I'm far from in the dark Fail... I have read more than enough about it. It has also been the topic of conversation a number of times as a number of my wife's friends are elementary school teachers. I suspect I may be far more informed than you Fail. Mind you being more informed than you on most everything isn't tough. Tell me Fail. Do we add the sex ed curriculum to your extensive repertoire of expertise? How much of it have you read Fail. Silly question... you've probably read every page during your oh so busy days at the office.
  19. Not so sure they would be scammers. The OPP have a website where you can check a VIN to see if it has been reported stolen or they could want to check to see if there is a lien against it before they show up cash in hand and then find out later that there is still money owing on it.
  20. Has Trudope given up on his insistence that gender equality be part of NAFTA yet. Trudope said from the beginning NAFTA was an all or nothing, Canada, US and Mexico. Looks like US and Mexico didn't listen to him just like the rest of the world has learned to not listen to him. It won't be long until every province and territory in the country is telling Trudope what he can do with his carbon tax. At one time building a railway across Canada was a pipe dream but it united the country when it happened. The pipeline is good for the country just like the railway was good for the county. You have never dealt with facts in your life... not once. If she is the best Canada has to offer we are in deep deep trouble. You need to attend the Fail school of economics and pipelines. Didn't you see that on the 30 page list of his areas of expertise. All these people running businesses that market their products and services around the globe need to read Fails memo and attend the The International School of Failenomics. He will show them how wrong they truly are. Has the US given Freeland her participation trophy yet? She should turn on the water works like she did when she has in the past when trying to make a deal in Europe. https://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/chrystia-freeland-explains-the-world-for-you/
  21. Not only just wrong, just insulting to those taxpayers born here. Take money from people born here that are looking for a job to incentivize business to hire a recent immigrant instead of them. Trudope needs to go. The proposal includes using money to make sure immigrants, especially immigrant women, not only get their first job but are promoted, or as the report says, experience “job laddering.”
  22. Curious... how many of those 0.5% would it take to get your BAC up to a level where you could be charged? Conceivably I guess it could be done?
  23. It was better than VHS but not marketed as well.
  24. Your obsession with all things gay is just plain weird... but then it may explain your starry eyed love affair with Trudope.... How about let kids be kids... they don't need to know how to get a sex change at that age.
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