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Everything posted by motonoggin

  1. I'm the sole advocate for the interests of labor in management so I do what I can. It's weird how people who struggled and grew up poor are the most willing to subject their own employees to the same struggle. Crabs in a barrel.
  2. Her and ezryder could be relations...
  3. 40% of cops openly admit to being domestic abusers so the actual number is probably 80ish%
  4. "The price of freedom is death"
  5. Capitalism is why pretty much everything happens/doesn't happen. If it doesn't pay, it doesn't get done.
  6. Today I learned that black people are genetically predisposed to be violent criminals and that it can be fixed by convincing black people to vote Republican.
  7. People are starting to realize the system is broken and participation=consent
  8. Imagine participating in the two party farce and calling other people simps. You're all a bunch of brainwashed retards.
  9. Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X22002169#b0680 Highlights • The common notion that extreme poverty is the “natural” condition of humanity and only declined with the rise of capitalism rests on income data that do not adequately capture access to essential goods. • Data on real wages suggests that, historically, extreme poverty was uncommon and arose primarily during periods of severe social and economic dislocation, particularly under colonialism. • The rise of capitalism from the long 16th century onward is associated with a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and an upturn in premature mortality. • In parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, wages and/or height have still not recovered. • Where progress has occurred, significant improvements in human welfare began only around the 20th century. These gains coincide with the rise of anti-colonial and socialist political movements.
  10. Lol, there's like 10 actual socialists in the US. What "socialist left" is code for in this case is "liberal Democrats" aka "enablers of fascism". And I would agree, enablers of fascism are often more dangerous than actual fascists.
  11. Gosh, I sure would like to register mine, but I lost them all in a tragic fishing accident...
  12. Where were you September 10th when Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference about how the Pentagon was missing $2.3 Trillion?
  13. So you just believe the Official Government Story™?
  14. I'm not going to do your thinking for you. That behavior is how we got into this mess.
  15. Who is the largest beneficiary of the aftermath of 9/11?
  16. Any remembrance of 9/11 that isn't also accompanied by critical thought of what actually happened is just meaningless, nostalgic, flag waving, bootlicking pablum for those of lukewarm intelligence.
  17. Just those of us who didn't labor under the illusion the media has been shoving down our throats the last 40 years. The US had this coming, and it surprised no one who was paying attention and not blinded by flags and apple pie.
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