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why is it ok to kill a baby


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1 hour ago, DriftBusta said:

Exactly.  More shiny object bullshit.  They could not care less about abortion rights. This was a majority legal opinion on the legality and constitutionality of the question, and they rightly sent it back to the states.  Its the only real way to compromise on a very divisive topic.  The religious wackos who don't want to allow it regardless of circumstance.  And the leftists who think it should be as easy as going through the drive thru.  In the middle there are the most compelling arguments imo, personal choice, circumstances that threaten the mother's health, potential birth defects, etc., that might make the argument for aborting.  I'm pro choice, and a male, no one gives a fuck about my opinion lol.   Here in CT no one needs to worry, we're a blue state, and they won't be closing down any clinics soon.  Yet I have a couple friends on FB (females) who've completely lost their shit on the matter.  My fav comments about this being a trigger for the next civil war.  G M A F B you emotional fucking twats.  Get on with your life.  These are the same types who were all for mandatory vaxxes. No hypocrisy there....

Our Governor and local media couldn’t be happier.  They see this as the saving grace for absolute failure. Her and the A G are going to fight like hell!!!   What they won’t tell you is there is no fight.  They can do whatever they want, unlike Covid restrictions when they just blatantly ignored and broke the law.  If they were telling the truth and possessed this honest conviction they would resign . I can no longer support the oath I swore to uphold. What ever happened to elections have consequences?  What about the other 50% you swore to serve?  Now we just pick and choose?  


Edited by Cold War
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