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Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job


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True North News isn't really news 

They have very uneducated followers that don't understand economics or really anything other than hate


Recessions are  measured it isn't about how you are feeling or inflation or the price of bread.

Fuck we are in trouble with this false news 


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PP spewing it big time today for reporters 

Trudeau bad

PP will make a golden road for everyone it is simple


"You need better jobs"  PP states so I guess private businesses are not good to work for and don't pay enough?  PP will make them pay more



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2 hours ago, toslow said:

Most people want an election this yr. 49% want Trudy to step down immediately 

They wanted one in 2021 they wanted one in 2019 :dunno:  


10 years is the long turning point for our governments there is a good chance in 2024 fall or early 2025 but not today.

PP runs now he loses, Trudeau will test his lies and win.


If CPC wants to win they have to wait and hope things get worse not better.


PP also has to stop the hate daily, it is tiring for anyone not a oneway

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50 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

PP sure does blame Trudeau for a lot of things the private sector is doing.

Airlines are not Government run for fuck sakes stop lying


HIs answer is MORE AIRLINES :lol:  holy fuck balls 


PP saying like it is 

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Dude you’ve got some mental hate problems for the conservatives, talk about oneway, look who’s been the biggest contributor to this and the ford thread. 

nobody even posts here anymore because of you foolishness 

Edited by toslow
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Poor Moe is crying he wasn't invited he has  no idea why, he bashes Trudeau and lies constantly about him.  Tells his farmer that Trudeau is spying on them illagally.  YA no idea

on that note we have a PM arrive and not alone but with many travelling with him, certainly not hidden from public.

No MPP knew anything about this company gettting a visit so who set up this visit?  Not one person within the plant who knew Trudeau was coming kept silent and told no one.  


Seems a bit odd and clearly MOE has no idea what is happening in Saskatchewan


So THE ONEWAYs complain unfair unfair say everything other than wow Trudeau did a great job.


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This is how a PM answers question unlike a want to be PM who doesn't accept questions and cries unfair question if asked one


PP is lying Trudeau did not make a catch and release law and all the Premiers know it, news outlets know it, PP followers do not know it.

ASking for changes is good 


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