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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Yep. It doesn't really matter at all as long as it does get better. It's gonna take repealing some idiot regulations in the private sector which will be done pretty quickly no matter who gets elected. Much quicker if Trump takes the prize because he could care less about hurting feelings.
  2. Nope. I'm just not gonna debate with a liberal idiot how the "war" is the reason for all of Obama's failures. Nor am I gonna concede that the Republican Party is responsible for all the wrongs that Obama was left with and cannot get straightened out. It's just plain ridiculous and typical left wing "blame others" brainless banter. And I sure as hell am not gonna be lectured by some hippie pansy who raises his liberal flag as some type of a "follow me to the land of salvation" freedom cry when the policies proposed and enacted during the last 8 years have been epic in festering a stagnant economy. Which brings us right back to the title of this thread. Answer if for ya?
  3. I don't need to show you shit. Period. And you somehow thinking you have superior intelligence over me or anybody else because they disagree with you is hysterical. Right out of your shitty little handbook. Your facts, and your thoughts are tilted and corrupted by the liberal "massaging" of your brain. See? You like that word, right? I'd feel sorry for you and people like you if you weren't suck a pathetic and insufferable excuse for a human being. Just another retread we all have to listen to because it's illegal to kill you off. What a shame. And unless you're a Vet yourself, you don't get to discuss their issues. The shit you are reading by "your people" is so far to the extreme of anything resembling the truth it is is horrid. Status Quo.
  4. Biggest fuck up? You're a complete idiot. Just like a lib-tard: "It affected me negatively so it's a deep problem in the world caused by people who don't think just like me." I'm sure you don't have guns (those big scary things that make loud noises and go off and kill people at random.), but find a rope and a solid ceiling structure and do us all a favor. Get some of your idiot friends to do it with you. Or hell, explain your intent to your neighbors....I'm sure they'll drop everything and let you borrow their gun. You'll make their fucking day. And don't patronize me about your "knowledge" of war. I'm 100% sure I know more about it than you. You fucking dick-less hippie.
  5. Dooooode! Why does everything you post here start with blaming something on a war? That's the stupidest and lowest form of liberal ridiculousness ever concocted. Just stop. You look silly. I guess you can take some solace in knowing you aren't alone.
  6. Eh, a more correct term would have been "it took me years" seeing as how I've been "operating" in them for close to 20 years now. Plus, you need a good accountant and you don't need one of those until you start making a bit of money. Either way.
  7. The trick is to be able to sling shit efficiently and proportionately .
  8. Shit. Sorry I can't gain your support. Wait, does this post count?
  9. I can't help it. I can peck out some shit almost as fast as it comes to mind.
  10. Indeed.. "Facts". Can you guys see this? I am on my own private server now so nobody can see what I am scheming about.
  11. Pretty cool shit. Not necessarily on this level but about 6 or 7 years ago I was moving some stuff and rented a U-haul truck. You know, bare bones commercial stuff. Anyway, My 9 (or 10) year old daughter was with me, and I asked her to roll down the window for some fresh air (smelled like cat piss in there!). She couldn't find the button. I just laughed as I showed her the "old school way". Made me feel really old. The shit the kids are doing now with smart phones and devices is pretty amazing. Hell, I still text! I didn't realize that is "not cool" anymore.
  12. What a bunch of shit. "Heavily massaged". Fact is all presented with information had and did do their own information gathering. You think the dems told the reps "Hey, yeah, you guys do the homework and we'll just sit back and agree with it all." Laughable. "War" was decided by each corner for their own selfish gains one way or the other. Why on earth do Dems think the reps are a bunch of war mongering harbingers of death? That's just stupid rhetoric turned into nice bales of hay for the sheep feeding. And the "U.N." Yes, by all means, let's bring them into any retarded conversation and pretend those water and food waiters in the war zone actually have any power enforce ANYTHING and aren't operating under a guise of their own little 2nd and 3rd world dictatorship. AWESOME! Last encounter I had with the UN goobers almost resulted in them all being shot in the head multiple times and having their vehicles commandeered. The United States Democratic Party and the United Nations; a partnership protecting the world from the world within our world of worlds.
  13. Do you think we'd have been over there jerking around without the consent and support of the democrats? Do you know how government works? Or are you one that sits and cries and finds ways to blame the other side...from whatever side you sit on. Our government has been duping us since it's inception, and a larger government will dupe us even more...as it has been with our "leader". "Helping the middle class." What a load of shit. And I am pretty far from a "right winger". Both extremes of each side hold the most idiotic sheep we have in our country. And those two sides are the majority of the population. But if I had to do one or the other, after a complete full frontal labodomy, I'd have to at least see that the republicans create wealth and wealth creates jobs. Disproportionately? Yes. But at less they create jobs. Dems create wealth too, but only within government offices. After those pockets are lined, "distribution" will keep the dem voters "happy". So, while it's taken me years to finally realize this, I can work my life and finances to take advantage of every loophole and advantage both sides seem to think is best to keep their voting sheep in line. And I laugh every time I do it. Republicans make opportunities in the private sector, dems create opportunities within the government run programs. Know who can't take advantage of either very well? Folks that are on someone else's payroll. And the worst off are those on someone else's payroll that are actually working during large government admin years. The programs being instituted by their leaders aren't designed to help them. It's comical but I actually am allowed to put more money in my pocket during a Dem run government. But really, all I am doing is putting that unpaid portion on the next generation....but that seems to be "OK" by them. So,
  14. In all seriousness, it takes constant control when walking him. When he goes, you'd better damn well be ready because if you hit the ground, it's gonna be a battle. My wife is 125 lbs and she's got scars in her legs and arms from him pulling her down the road and through the woods (I mean let go already!!!!). I'm 215-ish and sorta "meaty" and he's pulled me through a damn ditch more than once. He's pretty good but you have to keep reminding him you are there. These dogs were bred for pulling power and when they get a jump and gain momentum, JESUS!! Truth is, not everyone should be tied to them with a tether (leash). We'll get to playing pretty rough sometimes and I wonder what if he turned "nut-job" on me? I sure as hell don't wanna on the ground with him. But, he's just a big baby Huey and the thought of him being aggressive with us is hilarious.
  15. Man, good to hear some of you feel the same about our pups. And yep...we've racked up some nice vet bills over the last 20 years too. Don't regret it a bit. Even if in the end it didn't stop the inevitable, I'd like to think it helped ease whatever pain they may have had. And I think it did. There were moments I thought they were gonna come all the way back. Bit at a certain age, well... And not sure who posted it but the folks that accidently run off at the mouth about "waste of money" or "just a dog" rhetoric. Well, to those fuckers, enjoy your fucking hospital stay and lifelong nightmares. But I'll bet you thought you sounded cool and "manly" as that shit was running over your lips. Damn shit makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end just thinking about it! I need my meds now.
  16. Good thinking. You keep him preoccupied at the bar while me and the rest of the HCS goons steal his wallet, his girl, his sled, his truck and his dignity. Well played!
  17. Let's get a Wisconsin boy in the drivers seat and make some time!
  18. Oh give it up Nancy. We're here and we're queer...get used to it.
  19. I'd have to do some lookin' but I thought it was a primarily a regulation concerning disclosure of how private financial information was disclosed to consumers and used by other banking information. Basically making banks and financial centers ask you if it was "ok" for them to sell your info or at least letting you know it was going to be "out there". Maybe there is more to it....I don't care enough to look into it because it still doesn't really apply to my post's point.
  20. I don't really see what GLBA has to do with my post. Are you sure that's what you meant?
  21. You mean at the end of an economic upswing and the chaos created by Fannie Mae and Freddic Mac? Both Democratic institutions forced down America's throat with legislation forced through by Democrats leading us into the largest housing implosion in history? Just wanna make sure I understand.
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