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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. That old stuff is a bitch to work with and hard on equipment too. But strong as fuck. Not to mention...a 2x4/6/8/10 is actually close to that. Old houses suck! I've always found adding an ironical and/or hypocritical spin to them works well to add comedic value. Kinda like being able to laugh at the window lickers on the short bus. Sure, you feel kinda bad afterwords but, it was worth it.
  2. Holy shit. I fucking rolled. This was fucking witty, clever and funny. Well done Mrs. Democrat! Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes (D) joked on Friday about the assault on Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., by saying...... "Just ask his neighbor. He can be beaten.’” But then, not to be outdone......Paul's strategist sent this out about her (Alison) concerning her epic defeat when she attempted to unseat Possum-faced Mitch McConnel in 2014; “That’s almost as sad and pathetic as her last campaign,” he said. “Mitch beat her so bad he almost got charged with a hate crime.” Well done folks! 'Murica!!!!!
  3. I don't care about any of that though. But good for him. What a high class moral standard he sets for our youth. mhm. I don't like the guy anyway and it's got nothing to do with "making Lemmon look smart" (that's no compliment). The left picking him up as another Trump "victim/hero" is just another reason to not like him...or them. However, maybe the liberal hoards can take a quote from their new hero and learn something... "You have to be able to accept failure to get better."
  4. I can't. That mother fucker would sit in his little car, eyes bulging and white knuckle the wheel over the sight of this beast. Or, speed off over the hills with his turn signal on in a fear filled stupor.
  5. Fucking idiot. I would have gotten out and punched that short-short wearing, pingeon toed fuck head right in his stupid fucking goatee. Did he just come froma drunken flag football contest with that shit hanging off his waist? OMG.........I'm losing it.
  6. No. AC’s are bigger and blacker. They tend to make the sled chase Poo holes.
  7. Man, I can take two hits of my ten year old, petrified dirt-weed I keep in my tool box and the cotton starts to grow as I fly like an eagle! Hard to believe anybody would be so concerned about “stoned drivers”....or stoned people in any manner. It’s got to be the safest recreational drug anybody can use. The only thing it affects is production and of course, any real rational or reasonable thoughts....all my/our “epiphanies” while high we’re just plain dumb as fuck but it sure was fun dreaming them up for hours! But dangerous? Pffft. This is only coming from people that have never used it.
  8. I think my points were clear even through the concrete thick sarcasm. I was following the direction of your bizarre posts. Why do you get so upset? This is a non-winning strategy for word volley in this place.
  9. This was a lot nicer comment than I could make about this complete idiocy put to words. NPR...they are good at it. ”Hey China...could you please, pretty please with sugar on it, start setting up some voluntary restraints on your trade policies with us? Please? ...come on now....no more of this Tom Foolery. Ok, thank you.” China: “You can use your own fucking stairs getting off your plane. k?”
  10. This is dumb. Any normal, non-baked human can smell Dorito breath.
  11. Well, good morning, fine sir! K....why would you think I don’t realize that professional athletes aren’t “better athletes than 99% of the world’s population”. That’s a weird grab from this even weirder conversation. I’d say they are better athletes than 100% of the world’s population. But that’s not really germane to our debate that went from weird to weirder under your direction. If your 9mm can kill you, you should be scared shitless of it. If my weapons could kill me...i’d fucking leave this house like it was radioactive...and on fire!!!! Wait.....would they chase me down? Sweet fuck! Yur fun!
  12. Holy shiiit!!!!!!! It’s fun being a minority and being able to laugh at these.
  13. Why did you park them in Tool Kit’s room? Please tell me they aren’t there for any type of service! Moved mine from one side of the garage to the other today. I got a small boner when I touched the grip.
  14. ALL MINDS!!!!!! ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. That’s probably as far as I could reach anyway! So, you played against a guy in high school that scared you, and read my posts on the internet and figured I’ve got no chance. Got it. Wut? Stop it. Your fears don’t affect me. awwww....I’m being harsh on ya. I’ll lay off. I got a headache and kinda cranky about it.
  16. Shit! Maybe Trumpy is a liberal. You’ve made some strong points for sure! Why do you think you couldn’t take LeBron if you were in a room together?
  17. You calling Trump a liberal now? Yeah, I can see those similarities. Seems to be a lot of that going on with people safely tucked behind their keyboards. Thanks Obama! Speak for yourself on LeBron.
  18. Wait....so you are saying a top professional athlete can probably beat up a 70+ year old cheeseburger eating fat man if they were locked in a room together? Hmmmm....you may be on to something there.
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